Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2014 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Marius Killinger, Gregor Urban

print "Load ELEKTRONN Core"

import time, sys
import cPickle
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T

from elektronn.utils import pprinttime

import optimizer as opt
from perceptronlayer import PerceptronLayer, RecurrentLayer
from convlayer2d import ConvLayer2d
from convlayer3d import ConvLayer3d, AffinityLayer3d, MalisLayer

def _printOps(n):
    Return a humanized string representation of a large number.
    abbrevs = ((1000000000000, 'Tera Ops'), (1000000000, 'Giga Ops'), (1000000, 'Mega Ops'), (1000, 'kilo Ops'))
    for factor, suffix in abbrevs:
        if n >= factor:
    print 'Computational Cost: %.1f %s' % (float(n) / factor, suffix)

[docs]class MixedConvNN(object): """ Parameters ---------- input_size: tuple Data shapes, excluding batch and channel (used to infer the dimensionality) input_depth: int/None Is None by default this means non-image data (no conv layers allowed). Change to 1 for b/w, 3 for RGB and\ 4 for RGB-D images etc. For RNN this is the length of the time series. batch_size: int/None None for variable batch size enable_dropout: Bool Turn on or off dropout recurrent: Bool Support recurrent iterations along input depth/time dimension_calc: dimension calculator object Examples -------- Note that image data must have at least 1 channel, e.g. a 2d image (1,x,y). 3d requires data in the format (z,ch,x,y). E.g. to create an isotropic 3d CNN with 5 channels (total input shape is (1,30,5,30,30)): >>> MixedConvNN((30,30,30), input_depth=5, batch_size=1) A non-convolutional MLP can be created as: >>> MixedConvNN((100,), input_depth=None, batch_size=2000) """ def __init__(self, input_size=None, input_depth=None, batch_size=None, enable_dropout=False, recurrent=False, dimension_calc=None): assert input_size is not None self.layers = [] # [0] input layer ---> [-1] output layer self.poolings = [] self.params = [] self._output_layers = [] # Empty UNLESS you use add sth explicitly self._autoencoder_chains = [] self._last_grads = [] self.debug_functions = [] self.debug_conv_output = [] self.debug_gradients_function = [] self.CG_timeline = [] self.batch_size = batch_size self.n_lab = None self.input_shape = None self.patch_size = np.array(input_size ) # onlt the spatial part of input shape self.output_strides = None self.output_shape = None self.mfp_strides = None self.mfp_offsets = None self.dimension_calc = dimension_calc self.TotalForwardPassCost = 0 # number of multiplications done self.SGD_LR = theano.shared(np.float32(0.09)) # those 3 values are to be overwritten self.SGD_momentum = theano.shared(np.float32(0.9)) self.global_weightdecay = theano.shared(np.float32(0)) self._SGD_params = {'LR': self.SGD_LR, 'momentum': self.SGD_momentum} self._RPROP_params = {} self._CG_params = {} self._LBFGS_params = {} self._use_class_weights = False self._enable_dropout = enable_dropout self._recurrent = recurrent self._atleast_single_mfp = False self._y = None self._y_aux = [] self.input_noise = None self.t_init = time.time() try: input_size = tuple(input_size, ) except: input_size = (input_size, ) input_dim = len(input_size) self.n_dim = input_dim assert input_dim in [ 1, 2, 3 ], "MixedConvNN: input_dimension currently not supported" if input_dim > 1 and input_depth is None: input_depth = 1 print "For image-like data no depth was specified, using depth=1" if recurrent: assert input_dim == 1 self._x = T.ftensor3('x_rnn_input') if input_depth is not None: self.input_shape = (batch_size, input_depth, input_size[0]) # [batch, time, feat] else: self.input_shape = (batch_size, input_size[0]) # the input is repeated (see "iterations" in rnn layer) else: x_dim = input_dim + 1 # +1 because of leading batch dimension if input_depth is not None: # For images there is always an additional channel dimension (even if it is 1) x_dim += 1 self.input_shape = (batch_size, input_depth) + input_size else: # For non image input / prohibits ConvLayers self.input_shape = (batch_size, ) + input_size # construct tensor of matching dimensionality self._x = T.TensorType('float32', (False,) * x_dim, name='x_cnn_input')() if input_dim == 3: # strange order for theano 3dconv self.input_shape = (batch_size, input_size[0], input_depth, input_size[1], input_size[2]) print '-' * 60 print "Input shape = ", self.input_shape, "; This is a", input_dim, "dimensional NN" if batch_size is not None: self._layer0_input = self._x.reshape(self.input_shape) else: self._layer0_input = self._x print '---' ############################################################################################################
[docs] def addPerceptronLayer(self, n_outputs=10, activation_func='tanh', enable_input_noise=False, add_in_output_layers=False, force_no_dropout=False, W=None, b=None): """ Adds a Perceptron layer to the CNN. Normally the each layer creates its own set of randomly initialised neuron weights. To reuse the weights of another layer (weight sharing) use the arguments ``W`` and ``b`` an pass ``T.TensorVariable``. If ``W`` and ``b`` are numpy arrays own weights are initialised with these values. Parameters ---------- n_outputs: int The size of this layer activation_func: string {tanh, relu, sigmoid, abs, linear, maxout <i>} Activation function enable_input_noise: Bool If True set 20% of input to 0 randomly (similar to dropout) force_no_dropout: Bool Set True for last/output layer """ layer_input_shape = self.input_shape if ( self.layers == []) else self.layers[-1].output_shape layer_input = self._layer0_input if ( self.layers == []) else self.layers[-1].output if len(layer_input_shape) > 2: # input_dimension >= 2 layer_input = layer_input.flatten(2) nin = (layer_input_shape[0], np.product(layer_input_shape[1:])) elif len(layer_input_shape) == 2: # input_dimension = 1 nin = layer_input_shape else: raise ValueError('Used invalid input dimension for Perceptron layer') input_noise = theano.shared(np.float32(0.2)) if enable_input_noise else None self.input_noise = input_noise if enable_input_noise else self.input_noise self._y = T.wvector('y_cnn_labels') layer = PerceptronLayer( input=layer_input, n_in=nin[1], n_out=n_outputs, batch_size=nin[0], enable_dropout=(self._enable_dropout and force_no_dropout == False), activation_func=activation_func, input_noise=input_noise, input_layer=self.layers[-1] if len(self.layers) > 0 else None, W=W, b=b) if add_in_output_layers: self._output_layers.append(layer) else: self.layers.append(layer) if self.batch_size is not None: num_multiplications = np.product(n_outputs) * np.product(layer_input_shape) else: num_multiplications = np.product(n_outputs) * np.product(layer_input_shape[1:]) _printOps(num_multiplications) print '---' self.TotalForwardPassCost += num_multiplications
[docs] def addConvLayer(self, nof_filters=None, filter_size=None, pool_shape=2, activation_func='tanh', add_in_output_layers=False, force_no_dropout=False, use_fragment_pooling=False, reshape=False, is_last_layer=False, layer_input_shape=None, layer_input=None, W=None, b=None, pooling_mode='max', affinity=False): """ Adds a convolutional layer to the CNN. The dimensionality is *automatically* inferred. Normally the inputs are automatically connected the the outputs of the last added layer. To connect to a different layer use ``layer_input_shape`` and ``layer_input`` arguments. Normally the each layer creates its own set of randomly initialised neuron weights. To reuse the weights of another layer (weight sharing) use the arguments ``W`` and ``b`` an pass ``T.TensorVariable``. If ``W`` and ``b`` are numpy arrays own weights are initialised with these values. Parameters ---------- nof_filters: int Number of feature maps filter_size: int/tuple Size/shape of convolutional filters, xy/zxy, (scalars are automatically extended to the 2d or 3d) pool_shape: int/tuple Size/shape of pool, xy/zxy, (scalars are automatically extended to the 2d or 3d) activation_func: string {tanh, relu, sigmoid, abs, linear, maxout <i>} Activation function force_no_dropout: Bool Set True for last/output layer use_fragment_pooling: Bool Set to True for predicting dense images efficiently. Requires batch_size==1. reshape: Bool Set to True to get 2d/3d output instead of flattened class_probabilities in the last layer is_last_layer: Bool Shorthand for reshape=True, force_no_dropout=True and reconstruction of pooling fragments (if mfp was active) layer_input_shape: tuple of int Only needed if layer_input is not not None layer_input: T.TensorVariable Symbolic input if you do *not* want to use the previous layer of the cnn. This requires specification of the shape of that input with ``layer_input_shape``. W: np.ndarray weight matrix. If array, the values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If TensorVariable, than this variable is directly used (weight sharing with the layer from which this variable comes from) b: np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable bias vector. If array, the values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If TensorVariable, than this variable is directly used (weight sharing with the layer from which this variable comes from) pooling_mode: str 'max' or 'maxabs' where the first is normal maxpooling and the second also retains sign of large negative values """ n_dim = self.n_dim assert n_dim in [2, 3], "only 2d and 3d convolution supported!" if not hasattr(filter_size, '__len__'): filter_size = (filter_size, ) * n_dim elif len(filter_size) == 1: filter_size = filter_size * n_dim elif len(filter_size) != n_dim: raise ValueError( 'Filter size must be either scalar or have same length as n_dim') if not hasattr(pool_shape, '__len__'): pool_shape = (pool_shape, ) * n_dim elif len(pool_shape) == 1: pool_shape = pool_shape * n_dim self.poolings.append(pool_shape) if (layer_input_shape is None) and (layer_input is None): layer_input_shape = self.input_shape if len(self.layers) == 0 else self.layers[-1].output_shape layer_input = self._layer0_input if len(self.layers) == 0 else self.layers[-1].output else: assert (layer_input_shape is not None) and (layer_input is not None),\ "Provide either both input and shape or neither" assert len(layer_input_shape) in [3,4,5],\ "Please implement the stacking of a convLayer on top of PerceptronLayer (if this is your goal)" if is_last_layer: print "Last Layer, by default: no dropout and reshaped outputs" force_no_dropout = True reshape = True if self._atleast_single_mfp: use_fragment_pooling = True if use_fragment_pooling: if self.batch_size != 1: print("MFP is activated and batch_size is not 1") #raise ValueError("MFP is activated and batch_size is not 1") # self.batch_size = 1 doesn't help # if there is mfp in at least 1 layer the output must be reshaped self._atleast_single_mfp = use_fragment_pooling or self._atleast_single_mfp dropout = (self._enable_dropout and force_no_dropout == False) if n_dim == 2: filter_shape = (nof_filters, layer_input_shape[1], filter_size[0], filter_size[1]) CL = ConvLayer2d if reshape: self._y = T.TensorType('int16', [False, False, False], name='y_cnn_labels')() if n_dim == 3: filter_shape = (nof_filters, filter_size[0], layer_input_shape[2], filter_size[1], filter_size[2]) CL = ConvLayer3d if affinity: print "WARNING: hack for adding affinity layer / MALIS active" if affinity == 'malis': CL = MalisLayer else: CL = AffinityLayer3d if reshape: self._y = T.TensorType('int16', [False, False, False, False], name='y_cnn_labels')() layer = CL( layer_input, layer_input_shape, filter_shape, pool_shape, activation_func, dropout, use_fragment_pooling, reshape, self.mfp_offsets, self.mfp_strides, input_layer=self.layers[-1] if len(self.layers) > 0 else None, W=W, b=b, pooling_mode=pooling_mode) self.mfp_offsets = layer.mfp_offsets self.mfp_strides = layer.mfp_strides if add_in_output_layers: self._output_layers.append(layer) else: self.layers.append(layer) # Calculate computational cost if n_dim == 2: n_pos = ((layer_input_shape[2]+1-filter_size[0]) *\ (layer_input_shape[3]+1-filter_size[1])) if n_dim == 3: n_pos = ((layer_input_shape[1]+1-filter_size[0]) *\ (layer_input_shape[3]+1-filter_size[1]) *\ (layer_input_shape[4]+1-filter_size[2])) if self.batch_size is not None: num_multiplications = np.product(filter_size) * n_pos * nof_filters *\ layer_input_shape[1 if n_dim==2 else 2] * layer_input_shape[0] else: num_multiplications = np.product(filter_size) * n_pos * nof_filters *\ layer_input_shape[1 if n_dim==2 else 2] # Cost for 1 patch _printOps(num_multiplications) print "Param count:", layer.params[0].get_value().size, '+', layer.params[1].get_value().size, '=',\ layer.params[0].get_value().size + layer.params[1].get_value().size print '---' self.TotalForwardPassCost += num_multiplications
[docs] def addRecurrentLayer(self, n_hid=None, activation_func='tanh', iterations=None): """ Adds a recurrent layer (only possible for non-image input of format (batch, time, features)) Parameters ---------- n_hid: int Number of hidden units activation_func: string {tanh, relu, sigmoid, abs, linear} iterations: int If layer input is not time-like (iterable on axis 1) it can be broadcasted and iterated over for a fixed number of iterations """ layer_input_shape = self.input_shape if (self.layers == []) else self.layers[-1].output_shape layer_input = self._layer0_input if (self.layers == []) else self.layers[-1].output # Padding of constant input if len(layer_input_shape) == 2: print "Recurrence with broadcasted input" assert isinstance(iterations, int) bs = layer_input_shape[0] if (layer_input_shape[0] is not None) else 1 broadcaster = (bs, iterations, layer_input_shape[1]) layer_input = layer_input.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1) * T.ones(broadcaster, dtype='float32') layer_input_shape = (layer_input_shape[0], iterations, layer_input_shape[1]) elif len(layer_input_shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Used invalid input dimension for Recurrent layer') nin = layer_input_shape # [batch, time, features] self._y = T.wvector('y_cnn_labels') layer = RecurrentLayer(input=layer_input, n_in=layer_input_shape[2], n_hid=n_hid, batch_size=layer_input_shape[0], activation_func=activation_func) self.layers.append(layer) if self.batch_size is not None: num_multiplications = np.product(nin) * n_hid + nin[0] * nin[1] * n_hid**2 else: num_multiplications = np.product(nin[1:]) * n_hid + nin[1] * n_hid**2 _printOps(num_multiplications) print '---' self.TotalForwardPassCost += num_multiplications
[docs] def addTiedAutoencoderChain(self, n_layers=None, force_no_dropout=False, activation_func='tanh', input_noise=0.3, tie_W=True): """ Creates connected layers to invert Perceptron layers. Input is assumed to come from the first layer. Parameters ---------- n_layers: int Number of layers that will be added/inverted, (input < 0 means all) activation_func: string {tanh, relu, sigmoid, abs, linear} Activation function force_no_dropout: Bool set True for last/output layer input_noise: Bool Noise rate that will be applied to the input of the first reconstructor tie_W: Bool Whether to share weight of dual layer pairs """ if not n_layers: # Automatically find number of Layers if not specified n_layers = len(self.layers) assert 0 < n_layers <= len(self.layers), "Number of Autoencoder layers not possible" chain = [self.layers[n_layers - 1]] # if n_layers = depth(NN), add last layer, if n_layers is smaller add # <n_layers>th layer (s.t. a MLP remains after the AE bzw. next to it)) first = True for i in xrange(n_layers - 1, -1, - 1): # Invert layers starting from the deepest layer n_outputs = self.layers[i].n_in # Get n_out and Weights from mirror layer W = self.layers[i].W.T if tie_W else None n_inputs = chain[-1].output_shape[1] # Get input from previous layer in chain # (the first in chain is the deepest layer in the normal Net) batch_size = chain[-1].output_shape[0] dropout = self._enable_dropout and not force_no_dropout noise = input_noise if first else None PLayer = PerceptronLayer(input=chain[-1].output, n_in=n_inputs, n_out=n_outputs, batch_size=batch_size, enable_dropout=dropout, activation_func=activation_func, W=W, input_noise=noise, input_layer=chain[-1]) chain.append(PLayer) first = False self._autoencoder_chains.extend(chain[1:]) # only keep the newly added Layers if not tie_W: self.layers += chain[1:]
[docs] def compileDebugFunctions(self, gradients=True): """ Compiles the debug_functions which return the network activations / output. To use them compile them with this function. They by accessible as cnn.debug_functions (normal output), cnn.debug_conv_output, cnn.debug_gradients_function (if True). """ if len(self.debug_functions) != 0: print "debug functions are not empty" return for lay in self.layers: self.debug_functions.append(theano.function([self._x], lay.output)) try: # This is the output before pooling etc. self.debug_conv_output.append(theano.function( [self._x], lay.conv_output, on_unused_input='ignore')) except: pass if gradients: self.debug_gradients_function = opt.Optimizer(self).compileGradients()
[docs] def compileOutputFunctions(self, target='nll', use_class_weights=False, use_example_weights=False, use_lazy_labels=False, use_label_prop=False, only_forward=False): """ Compiles the output functions ``get_loss``, ``get_error``, ``class_probabilities`` and defines the gradient (which is not compiled) Parameters ---------- target: string 'nll'/'regression', regression has squared error and nll_masked allows training with lazy labels; this requires the auxiliary (*aux) masks. use_class_weights: Bool whether to use class weights for the error use_example_weights: Bool whether to use example weights for the error use_lazy_labels: Bool whether to use lazy labels; this requires the auxiliary (*aux) masks use_label_prop: Bool whether to activate label propagation on unlabelled (-1) examples only_forward: Bool This exlcudes the building of the gradient (faster) Defined functions: (They are accessible as methods of ``MixedConvNN``) get_loss: theano-function [data, labels(, *aux)] --> [loss, loss_instance] get_error: theano-function [data, labels(, *aux)] --> [loss, (error,) prediction] no error for regression class_probabilities: theano-function [data] --> [prediction] """ print "GLOBAL" _printOps(self.TotalForwardPassCost) self.t_graph = time.time() for lay in self.layers: if lay.params != []: self.params.extend(lay.params[::-1]) # (b, W) if self._autoencoder_chains is not []: # add thos layers, but not to the params self.layers.extend(self._autoencoder_chains) self.param_count = np.sum([ for p in self.params]) print "Total Count of trainable Parameters:", self.param_count print "Building Computational Graph took %.3f s" % (self.t_graph - self.t_init) pp_cw = "using class_weights" if use_class_weights else "using no class_weights" pp_ew = "using example_weights" if use_example_weights else "using no example_weights" pp_ll = "using lazy_labels" if use_lazy_labels else "using no lazy_labels" pp_lp = "label propagation active" if use_label_prop else "label propagation inactive" print "Compiling output functions for %s target:\n\t%s\n \t%s\n \t%s\n \t%s\n" % ( target, pp_cw, pp_ew, pp_ll, pp_lp) if len(self._output_layers) != 0: print "Warning: <compileOutputFunctions> only applies to the LAST layer in self.layers \ (and ignores elements of self._output_layers)" layer_last = self.layers[-1] self.output_shape = layer_last.output_shape if (len(layer_last.output_shape) == 2) or self.n_dim != 3: #Perceptron layer or any other self.n_lab = layer_last.output_shape[1] else: self.n_lab = layer_last.output_shape[2] # Define Target functions if target == 'regression': n_dim_regression = len(layer_last.output_shape) if isinstance(layer_last, (ConvLayer2d, ConvLayer3d)): n_dim_regression -= 1 # spatial input has no channel... self._y = T.TensorType('float32', (False,) * n_dim_regression, name='y_cnn_regression_targets')() self._loss, self._loss_instance = layer_last.squared_distance(self._y) ret = [self._loss, T.sqrt(self._loss), layer_last.output] self.get_error = theano.function([self._x, self._y], ret) self.prediction = theano.function([self._x], layer_last.output) elif target == 'nll_mutiple_binary': self._y = T.wmatrix('y_nll_mutiple_binary_targets') if use_class_weights: class_weights = T.TensorType('float32', [False], name='class_weights')() self._y_aux.append(class_weights) else: class_weights = None self._loss, self._loss_instance = layer_last.nll_mutiple_binary(self._y, class_weights) elif target == 'nll_weak': if use_class_weights: class_weights = T.TensorType('float32', [False], name='class_weights')() self._y_aux.append(class_weights) else: class_weights = None self._loss, self._loss_instance = layer_last.NLL_weak(self._y, class_weights) elif target == 'affinity': self._y = T.TensorType('int16', (False,) * 5, name='y_cnn_affinity_targets')() if use_class_weights: class_weights = T.TensorType('float32', [False], name='class_weights')() self._y_aux.append(class_weights) else: class_weights = None self._loss, self._loss_instance = layer_last.NLL_affinity(self._y, class_weights) elif target == 'malis': self._y = T.TensorType('int16', (False,) * 5, name='y_cnn_affinity_targets')() self._y_aux.append(T.TensorType('int16', (False,) * 4, name='y_cnn_seg_gt')()) if use_class_weights: class_weights = T.TensorType('float32', [False], name='class_weights')() self._y_aux.append(class_weights) else: class_weights = None ret = layer_last.NLL_Malis(self._y, self._y_aux[0]) self._loss = ret[0] self._loss_instance = ret[0] self.malis_stats = theano.function([self._x, self._y, self._y_aux[0]], ret) elif target == 'nll': if use_lazy_labels: if not (isinstance(layer_last, ConvLayer2d) or isinstance(layer_last, ConvLayer3d)): raise ValueError("Cannot use lazy labels for Percptron layer") mask1 = T.TensorType('int16', [False, False], name='mask_class_labeled')() self._y_aux.append(mask1) mask2 = T.TensorType('int16', [False, False], name='mask_class_not_present')() self._y_aux.append(mask2) else: mask1, mask2 = None, None if use_class_weights: class_weights = T.TensorType('float32', [False], name='class_weights')() self._y_aux.append(class_weights) else: class_weights = None if use_example_weights: example_weights = T.TensorType('float32', (False,) * (self._x.ndim - 1), name='example_weights')() self._y_aux.append(example_weights) else: example_weights = None if use_label_prop: label_prop_thresh = T.fscalar('label_prop_thresh') self._y_aux.append(label_prop_thresh) else: label_prop_thresh = None if use_lazy_labels: self._loss, self._loss_instance = layer_last.NLL( self._y, class_weights, example_weights, mask_class_labeled=mask1, mask_class_not_present=mask2, label_prop_thresh=label_prop_thresh) else: self._loss, self._loss_instance = layer_last.NLL( self._y, class_weights, example_weights, label_prop_thresh=label_prop_thresh) # aux is possibly [mask_class_labeled, mask_class_not_present, class_weights, label_prop_thresh] # For all targets except regression the predictions / accuracy if target != 'regression': ret = [self._loss, layer_last.errors(self._y), layer_last.class_prediction] if target == 'nll_mutiple_binary': ret = [self._loss, layer_last.errors_no_tn(self._y), layer_last.class_prediction] self.get_error = theano.function([self._x, self._y] + self._y_aux, ret) self.class_probabilities = theano.function([self._x], layer_last.class_probabilities) # create a list of symbolic gradients for all model parameters if not only_forward: self._gradients = T.grad(self._loss, self.params, disconnected_inputs="warn") self.get_loss = opt.Optimizer(self).get_loss if isinstance(layer_last, (ConvLayer2d, ConvLayer3d, AffinityLayer3d)): try: self.output_shape = layer_last.prob_shape except: pass self.output_strides = map(, zip(*self.poolings)) if self.mfp_strides is not None: self.output_strides = np.divide(self.output_strides, self.mfp_strides) self.t_out = time.time() print " Compiling done - in %.3f s!" % (self.t_out - self.t_graph) print '-' * 60 print '-' * 60
[docs] def resetMomenta(self): """Resets the trailing average of the gradient to sole current gradient""" print "CNN: resetting momenta" print '\t'.join([str(len(x)) for x in (self.params, self._last_grads)]) for para, lg in zip(self.params, self._last_grads): sp = para.get_value().shape lg.set_value(np.zeros(sp, dtype='float32'), borrow=0) try: for para, rp in zip(self.params, self._RPROP_LRs, ): sp = para.get_value().shape rp.set_value(1e-3 * np.ones(sp, dtype='float32'), borrow=0) except: pass
[docs] def randomizeWeights(self, reset_momenta=True): """Resets weights to random values (calls randomize_weights() on each layer)""" print "CNN: Randomizing weights" for lay in self.layers + self._output_layers: lay.randomizeWeights() if reset_momenta: self.resetMomenta()
############################################################################################################ ### Controlling Training ################################################################################### ############################################################################################################
[docs] def trainingStep(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform one optimiser iteration. Optimizers can be chosen by the kwarg ``mode``. They are complied on demand (which may take a while) and cached **Signature**: cnn.trainingStep(data, label(, *aux)(,**kwargs)) Parameters ---------- data: float32 array input [bs, ch (, x, y)] or [bs, z, ch, x, y] labels: int16 array [bs,((z,)y,x)] if output is not flattened aux: int16 arrays (optional) auxiliary weights/masks/etc. Should be unpacked list kwargs: * mode: string ['SGD']: (default) Good if data set is big and redundant 'RPROP': which does neither uses a fix learning rate nor the momentum-value. It is faster than SGD if you do full-batch Training and use NO dropout. Any source of noise leads to failure of convergence (at all). 'CG': Good generalisation but requires large batches. Returns current loss always 'LBFGS': * update_loss: Bool determine current loss *after* update step (e.g. needed for queue, but ``get_loss`` can also be\ called explicitly) Returns ------- loss: float32 loss (nll or squared error) loss_instance: float32 array loss for individual batch examples/pixels time_per_step: float Time spent on the GPU per step """ mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'SGD') param_var = None t0 = time.time() # Check if auxiliary arguments are ok if len(args) != (len(self._y_aux) + 2): raise ValueError("The number of auxiliary arguments for the NLL is not matching the compiled signature: " "%s. Got %i auxiliary args." % (self._y_aux, len(args) - 2)) if mode == 'SGD': if not hasattr(self, 'SGD'): self.SGD = opt.compileSGD(self._SGD_params, self) loss, loss_instance = self.SGD(*args) if kwargs.get('update_loss', False): loss, loss_instance = self.get_loss(*args) elif mode == 'RPROP': if not hasattr(self, 'RPROP'): self.RPROP = opt.compileRPROP(self._RPROP_params, self) loss, loss_instance = self.RPROP(*args) if kwargs.get('update_loss', False): loss, loss_instance = self.get_loss(*args) elif mode == 'CG': if not hasattr(self, 'CG'): self.CG = opt.compileCG(self._CG_params, self) loss, loss_instance = self.CG(*args) # this already is updated loss elif mode == 'LBFGS': if not hasattr(self, 'LBFGS'): self.LBFGS = opt.compileLBFGS(self._LBFGS_params, self) loss = self.LBFGS(*args) # this already is updated loss loss_instance = loss elif mode == 'Adam': if not hasattr(self, 'Adam'): self.Adam = opt.compileAdam(self._Adam_params, self) loss, loss_instance = self.Adam(*args) # this already is updated loss else: print "No mode %s" % mode return 0, 0, 0 t = (time.time() - t0) + 1e-10 # add some epsilon to ensure > 0 return np.float32(loss), loss_instance, t ### TODO remove again
[docs] def setOptimizerParams(self, SGD={}, CG={}, RPROP={}, LBFGS={}, Adam={}, weight_decay=0.0): """ Initialise optimiser hyper-parameters prior to compilation. SGD, CG and LBFGS this can also be done during Training. ``weight_decay`` is global to all optimisers and is identical to a L2-penalty on the weights with the coefficient given by ``weight_decay`` """ if weight_decay == False: self.global_weightdecay.set_value(np.float32(0), borrow=False) else: self.global_weightdecay.set_value(np.float32(weight_decay), borrow=False) self.setSGDLR(SGD.get("LR", 0.001)) self.setSGDMomentum(SGD.get("momentum", 0.9)) self._RPROP_params = dict(penalty=0.35, gain=0.2, beta=0.7, initial_update_size=1e-4) self._RPROP_params.update(RPROP) self._CG_params = dict(n_steps=3, alpha=0.35, beta=0.7, max_step=0.02, min_step=8e-5, only_descent=False, show=False) self._CG_params.update(CG) self._LBFGS_params = dict(maxfun= 40, # function evaluations maxiter= 4, # iterations m= 10, # maximum number of variable metric corrections factr= 1e2, # factor of machine precision as termination criterion (haha!) pgtol= 1e-9, # projected gradient tolerance iprint= -1) # set to 0 for direct printing of steps self._LBFGS_params.update(LBFGS) self._Adam_params = {} self._Adam_params.update(Adam) if hasattr(self, 'SSGD'): self.SSGD.updateOptimizerParams(SSGD) if hasattr(self, 'CG'): self.CG.updateOptimizerParams(CG) if hasattr(self, 'LBFGS'): self.LBFGS.updateOptimizerParams(LBFGS)
[docs] def setSGDLR(self, value=0.09): self.SGD_LR.set_value(np.float32(value), borrow=False)
[docs] def setSGDMomentum(self, value=0.9): self.SGD_momentum.set_value(np.float32(value), borrow=False)
[docs] def setWeightDecay(self, value=0.0005): self.global_weightdecay.set_value(np.float32(value), borrow=False)
[docs] def setDropoutRates(self, rates): """Assumes a vector/list/array as input, first entry <--> first layer (etc.)""" for lay, ra, i in zip(self.layers, rates, range(len(rates))): try: assert 1.0 >= np.float32(ra) >= 0, "Dropout rates must be [0,1]" lay.activation_noise.set_value(np.float32(ra)) #print 'layer',i,'new noise rate:',np.float32(ra*100.0),'%' except: #print 'set_dropout_rates: Warning: Dropout not enabled in this layer' pass
[docs] def getDropoutRates(self): """Returns list of dropout rates""" rates = [] for lay in self.layers: try: rates.append(np.float32(lay.activation_noise.get_value())) except: pass #sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) return rates
############################################################################################################ ### Utilities ############################################################################################## ############################################################################################################ def _predictDenseTile(self, raw_img, out_arr, offset): """ Parameters ---------- raw_img: np.ndarray raw image (ch, x, y) or (z, ch, x, y)to be predicted The shape must be cnn.patch_size + cnn.output_strides - 1 (elwise) out_arr: np.ndarray The shape is cnn.patch_size + cnn.mfp_strides - floor(cnn.offset) - 1 (elwise) offsets: array / list The cnn offsets (only needed if cnn was initialised without a dimension calculator) Returns ------- class_probabilities: np.ndarray prediction (n_lab, z, x, y) The shape is cnn.patch_size + cnn.mfp_strides - floor(cnn.offset) - 1 (elwise) """ if np.all(np.equal(self.output_strides, 1)): if self.n_dim == 2: out_arr[:, 0] = self.class_probabilities(raw_img[None])[0] # (ch,x,y) else: out_arr[:] = self.class_probabilities(raw_img[None])[0] # (z,ch,x,y) else: for x_off in range(self.output_strides[-2]): for y_off in range(self.output_strides[-1]): if self.n_dim == 2: cut_img = raw_img[None, :, x_off:x_off + self.patch_size[0], y_off:y_off + self.patch_size[1]] #prob = self.class_probabilities(cut_img)[0] # insert prob(ch, x, y) into out_arr(ch,z,x,y) out_arr[:, 0, x_off::self.output_strides[0], y_off:: self.output_strides[1]] = self.class_probabilities(cut_img)[0] elif self.n_dim == 3: for z_off in range(self.output_strides[0]): cut_img = raw_img[None,z_off:z_off + self.patch_size[0], :, x_off:x_off + self.patch_size[1], y_off:y_off + self.patch_size[2]] #prob = self.class_probabilities(cut_img)[0] out_arr[:, z_off::self.output_strides[0], x_off::self.output_strides[1], y_off:: self.output_strides[2] ] = self.class_probabilities(cut_img)[0] return out_arr
[docs] def predictDense(self, raw_img, show_progress=True, offset=None, as_uint8=False, pad_raw=False): """ Core function that performs the inference raw_img : np.ndarray raw data in the format (ch, x, y(, z)) show_progress: Bool Whether to print progress state offset: 2/3-tuple If the cnn has no dimension calculator object, this specifies the cnn offset. as_uint8: Bool Return class proabilites as uint8 image (scaled between 0 and 255!) pad_raw: Bool Whether to apply padding (by mirroring) to the raw input image in order to get predictions on the full imgae domain. """ # WARNING: this code contains mixed orders of xyz and zxy! The raw_img is swapped later! # determine normalisation depending on int or float type if raw_img.dtype in [, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.uint32, np.uint, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint32]: m = 255 else: m = 1 raw_img = np.ascontiguousarray(raw_img, dtype=np.float32) / m time_start = time.time() strip_z = False if len(raw_img.shape) == 3: strip_z = True raw_img = raw_img[..., None] # add singleton z-channel if self.dimension_calc is not None: offset = np.floor(self.dimension_calc.offset).astype( else: assert offset is not None,"If the cnn has not been intialised with a dimension calculator object, you must pass the offset to this function explicitly" offset = np.floor(offset).astype( n_lab = self.n_lab cnn_out_sh = self.output_shape[2:] # without batch size and channel/n_lab ps = self.patch_size strides = self.output_strides if self.n_dim == 2: cnn_out_sh = np.concatenate([[1, ], cnn_out_sh]) ps = np.concatenate([[1, ], ps]) strides = np.concatenate([[1, ], strides]) offset = np.concatenate([[0, ], offset]) if pad_raw: raw_img = np.pad(raw_img, [(0, 0), (offset[1], offset[1]), (offset[2], offset[2]), (offset[0], offset[0])], mode='symmetric') raw_sh = raw_img.shape[1:] # only spatial, not channels tile_sh = np.add(ps, strides) - 1 # zxy #prob_sh = np.array([ps[i]+strides[i]-1-2*offset[i] for i in xrange(3)]) # zxy prob_sh = np.multiply(cnn_out_sh, strides) prob_arr = np.zeros(np.concatenate([[self.n_lab, ], prob_sh]), dtype=np.float32) # zxy pred_sh = np.array([raw_sh[0] - 2 * offset[1], raw_sh[1] - 2 * offset[2], raw_sh[2] - 2 * offset[0]]) # xyz if as_uint8: predictions = np.zeros(np.concatenate(([n_lab, ], pred_sh)), dtype=np.uint8) # xyz else: predictions = np.zeros(np.concatenate(([n_lab, ], pred_sh)), dtype=np.float32) # xyz if self._atleast_single_mfp and not np.all(np.equal(self.output_strides, 1)): raise NotImplementedError("If MFP is partially enabled, the dense prediction does not work atm") # Calculate number of tiles (in 3d: blocks) that need to be performed x_tiles = int(np.ceil(float(pred_sh[0]) / prob_sh[1])) y_tiles = int(np.ceil(float(pred_sh[1]) / prob_sh[2])) z_tiles = int(np.ceil(float(pred_sh[2]) / prob_sh[0])) total_nb_tiles = np.product([x_tiles, y_tiles, z_tiles]) print "Predicting img", raw_img.shape, "in", total_nb_tiles, "Blocks:", (x_tiles, y_tiles, z_tiles) count = 0 for x_t in range(x_tiles): for y_t in range(y_tiles): for z_t in range(z_tiles): # For every z_tile a slice of thickness cnn_out_sh[2] is # collected and then collectively written to the output_data raw_tile = raw_img[:, x_t * prob_sh[1]:x_t * prob_sh[1] + tile_sh[1], y_t * prob_sh[2]:y_t * prob_sh[2] + tile_sh[2], z_t * prob_sh[0]:z_t * prob_sh[0] + tile_sh[0]] this_is_end_tile = False if np.all(np.equal(raw_tile.shape[1:], np.roll(tile_sh, 2))) else True if this_is_end_tile: # requires 0-padding right_pad = np.subtract(np.roll(tile_sh, 2), raw_tile.shape[1:]) # (ch,x,y,z) right_pad = np.concatenate(([0, ], right_pad)) # for channel dimension left_pad = np.zeros(raw_tile.ndim, pad_with = list(zip(left_pad, right_pad)) raw_tile = np.pad(raw_tile, pad_with, mode='constant') if self.n_dim == 2: # slice from raw_tile(ch,x,y,z) --> (ch,x,y) prob_arr = self._predictDenseTile(raw_tile[..., 0], prob_arr, offset) # returns (ch,z=1,x,y) prob = prob_arr[:, 0, :, :, None] # (ch,z=1,x,y) -> (ch,x,y,z=1) else: raw_tile = np.transpose(raw_tile, (3, 0, 1, 2)) # (ch,x,y,z) -> (z,ch,x,y) prob_arr = self._predictDenseTile(raw_tile, prob_arr, offset) prob = np.transpose(prob_arr, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # (ch,z,x,y) -> (ch,x,y,z) if this_is_end_tile: # cut away padded range prob = prob[:, :prob_sh[1] - right_pad[1], :prob_sh[2] - right_pad[2], :prob_sh[0] - right_pad[3]] if as_uint8: prob *= 255 prob = prob.astype(np.uint8) # maybe not needed... predictions[:, x_t * prob_sh[1]:(x_t + 1) * prob_sh[1], y_t * prob_sh[2]:(y_t + 1) * prob_sh[2], z_t * prob_sh[0]:(z_t + 1) * prob_sh[0]] = prob count += 1 if show_progress: dtime = time.time() - time_start progress = count * 100.0 / total_nb_tiles estimate = dtime / progress * 100. if progress <= 100: dtime = pprinttime(dtime) estimate = pprinttime(estimate) sys.stdout.write('\rProgress: %.2f%% in %s; estimate: %s' % (progress, dtime, estimate)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(' - done\n'.decode("string_escape")) sys.stdout.flush() print "Inference speed: %.3f MB or MPix /s\n" %\ (np.product(predictions.shape[1:]) * 1.0 / 1000000 / (time.time() - time_start)) if strip_z: predictions = predictions[:, :, :, 0] return predictions
[docs] def get_activities(self, data): n = len(self.layers) activities = [] for layer, dbgf, i in zip(self.layers, self.debug_functions, range(n)): activities.append(dbgf(data)) return activities
[docs] def get_nonpooled_activities(self, data): n = len(self.layers) activities = [] for layer, dbgf, i in zip(self.layers, self.debug_conv_output, range(n)): activities.append(dbgf(data)) return activities
[docs] def saveParameters(self, path='', layers=None, show=True): """Saves parameters to file, that can be loaded by ``loadParameters``""" if show: print 'Saving params to file' f = open(path, 'w') if layers is None: n_lay = len(self.layers) - len(self._autoencoder_chains) # exclude the AE chains (they have only shared W) layers = self.layers[:n_lay] shape_info = [] for lay in layers: shape_info.append(lay.params[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape) if show: print ' shapes are: ' + str(shape_info) cPickle.dump(shape_info, f, protocol=2) for lay in layers: cPickle.dump(lay.params[0].get_value(borrow=True), f, protocol=2) cPickle.dump(lay.params[1].get_value(borrow=True), f, protocol=2) if len(lay.params) > 2: # Recurrent Params cPickle.dump(lay.params[2].get_value(borrow=True), f, protocol=2) cPickle.dump(lay.params[3].get_value(borrow=True), f, protocol=2) cPickle.dump(self.poolings, f, protocol=2) # list of all pooling factors f.close()
[docs] def loadParameters(self, myfile="", strict=False, n_layers_to_load=-1): """ Loads parameters from file created by ``saveParameters``. The parameter shapes do not need to fit the CNN architecture, they "squeezed" or "padded" to fit. Additionally the momenta of the gradients are reset Parameters ---------- myfile: string Path to file strict: bool If true, parameter shapes must fit exactly, this the only way to load RNN parameters n_layers_to_load: int Only the first x layers are initialised if this is not at its default value (-1) """ self.resetMomenta() if strict: self._loadParametersStrict(myfile) else: self._loadParametersAdaptive(myfile, n_layers_to_load=n_layers_to_load)
def _loadParametersAdaptive(self, myfile="", n_layers_to_load=-1): """ Load a parameter set which is NOT fully compatible to the current network configuration (e.g. different filter sizes, number of filters etc). detects if layers already are in correct shape """ print "loading(adaptive) from", myfile try: f = open(myfile, 'r') except: print "CNN: ERROR: Cannot load file '", myfile, "'" shp = cPickle.load(f) print "Shapes of loaded file are:", shp print "Shapes of current Net are:", [lay.params[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape for lay in self.layers] if n_layers_to_load < 0: n_layers_to_load = len(shp) print "#Layers(sav) =", len(shp), "loading", n_layers_to_load print "#Layers(CNN) =", len(self.layers) for it, layer in enumerate(self.layers): if it == n_layers_to_load: break if it < len(shp): try: p = cPickle.load(f) except: print "Error! " * 7 print "LoadParametersAdaptive::ERROR: invalid file, cancelled after", it, "layers were loaded!" e = sys.exc_info()[0] print "<p>Error: %s</p>" % e print "Error! " * 7 else: p = [[[[]]]] print "debug missing, might crash now!" save_shape = np.shape(p) target_shape = layer.params[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape #load W if save_shape == target_shape: layer.params[0].set_value(p, borrow=False) elif len(target_shape)==len(save_shape) and len(save_shape)==4: #temp param of correct shape, weights with same variance as loaded parameters (mean=0) temp = np.float32(np.random.normal(0,0.02,target_shape)) if (target_shape[0]>save_shape[0]):#need more filters than in save for i in range(0,target_shape[0],save_shape[0]): if target_shape[1]>save_shape[1]: for j in range(0, target_shape[1], save_shape[1]): temp[i:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0] + i), j:min(target_shape[1], save_shape[1] + j), :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3]) ] = p[:(min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0] + i) - i), :min(target_shape[1] - j, save_shape[1]), :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3])] else: temp[i:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0] + i), :target_shape[1], :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3]) ] = p[:(min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0] + i) - i), :target_shape[1], :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3])] else: if target_shape[1] > save_shape[1]: for j in range(0, target_shape[1], save_shape[1]): temp[:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0]), j:min(target_shape[1], save_shape[1] + j), :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3]) ] = p[:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0]), :min(target_shape[1] - j, save_shape[1]), :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3]) ] + np.random.rand(min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0]), min(target_shape[1], save_shape[1]+j)-j, min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3]) ) * 1e-4 else: mid_offset= 0 if target_shape[1] < save_shape[1]: mid_offset = int((save_shape[1] - target_shape[1]) / 2.) temp[:min(target_shape[0],save_shape[0]), :target_shape[1], :min(target_shape[2],save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3],save_shape[3]) ] = p[:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0]), mid_offset:mid_offset + target_shape[1], :min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]), :min(target_shape[3], save_shape[3])] layer.params[0].set_value(temp, borrow=False) elif len(target_shape) == len(save_shape) and len(save_shape) == 5: print "adapting 3D_net_filter..." #(64, 3, 32, 3, 3) #n. = 64, depth=32 #print "fan-in correction factor =",n_params_ratio temp = np.float32(np.random.normal(0, np.std(p) + 1e-9, target_shape)) #/6.*n_params_ratio nf_start = 0 nf_end = min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0]) f_st = max(int((target_shape[1] - save_shape[1]) / 2.), 0) f_end = f_st + min(target_shape[1], save_shape[1]) f_st_ = max(int((save_shape[1] - target_shape[1]) / 2.), 0) f_end_ = f_st_ + min(target_shape[1], save_shape[1]) c_st = 0 c_end = c_st + min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]) # c_st_ = 0 c_end_ = c_st_ + min(target_shape[2], save_shape[2]) # temp[nf_start:nf_end, f_st:f_end, c_st:c_end, f_st:f_end, f_st:f_end ] = p[nf_start:nf_end, f_st_:f_end_, c_st_:c_end_, f_st_:f_end_, f_st_:f_end_] layer.params[0].set_value(temp, borrow=False) else: print "Load: skipping layer" + str(it + 1) + ("" if len(target_shape) == 4 else "- can't load differently shaped perceptron layers (atm)") #load b if it < len(shp): p = cPickle.load(f) else: p = [[[[]]]] print "debug missing" save_shape = np.shape(p) target_shape = layer.params[1].get_value(borrow=True).shape if target_shape[0] == save_shape[0]: layer.params[1].set_value(p, borrow=False) elif target_shape[0] < save_shape[0]: layer.params[1].set_value(p[:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0])], borrow=False) else: temp = np.float32(np.random.uniform(1e-5 + (0.5 if layer.activation_func in ["sigmoid", "relu"] else 0), 1e-6, target_shape)) for i in range(0, target_shape[0], save_shape[0]): temp[i:min(target_shape[0], save_shape[0] + i)] = p[:min(target_shape[0] - i, save_shape[0])] layer.params[1].set_value(temp, borrow=False) f.close() print "loading complete" #function lacks error-handling def _loadParametersStrict(self, myfile=""): """ Load a parameter set which is **fully compatible** to the current network configuration (FAILS otherwise). """ print "Loading from", myfile f = open(myfile, 'r') shp = cPickle.load(f) print "Shapes are:", shp print "#Layers =", len(shp) for layer in self.layers: p = cPickle.load(f) layer.params[0].set_value(p, borrow=False) p = cPickle.load(f) layer.params[1].set_value(p, borrow=False) if len(layer.params) == 4: p = cPickle.load(f) layer.params[2].set_value(p, borrow=False) p = cPickle.load(f) layer.params[3].set_value(p, borrow=False) f.close()
[docs] def gradstats(self, *args, **kwargs): grads = self.debug_gradients_function(*args, **kwargs) print("Gradient statistics") for g in grads: print("shape=%s,\tmean=%f,\tstd=%f" % (g.shape, np.mean(g), np.std(g)))
[docs] def actstats(self, *args, **kwargs): acts = self.get_activities(*args) print("Activation statistics") for a in acts: print("shape=%s,\tmean=%f,\tstd=%f" % (a.shape, np.mean(a), np.std(a)))
[docs] def paramstats(self, *args, **kwargs): print("Parameters statistics") for p in self.params: p = p.get_value() print("shape=%s,\tmean=%f,\tstd=%f" % (p.shape, np.mean(p), np.std(p)))