Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2014 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Marius Killinger, Gregor Urban

import cPickle
import convnet
from netutils import CNNCalculator

### CNN Creation #############################################################################################
[docs]def createNet(config, input_size, n_ch, n_lab, dimension_calc): """ Creates CNN according to config Parameters ---------- n_ch: int Number of input channels in data n_lab: int Number of labels/classes/output_neurons param_file: string/path Optional file to initialise parameters of CNN from Returns ------- CNN-Object """ enable_dropout = False if len(config.dropout_rates) > 0 and (config.dropout_rates[0] is not None): enable_dropout = True recurrent = True if (config.rnn_layer_kwargs is not None) else False cnn = convnet.MixedConvNN(input_size, input_depth=n_ch, batch_size=config.batch_size, enable_dropout=enable_dropout, recurrent=recurrent, dimension_calc=dimension_calc) # Conv layers conv = zip(config.nof_filters, config.filters, config.pool, config.activation_func, config.MFP, config.pooling_mode) for i, (n, f, p, act, mfp, p_m) in enumerate(conv): cnn.addConvLayer(n, f, p, act, use_fragment_pooling=mfp, pooling_mode=p_m) # RNN Layers if config.rnn_layer_kwargs is not None: cnn.addRecurrentLayer(**config.rnn_layer_kwargs) # MLP layers c = len(config.filters) for i, (n, act) in enumerate(zip(config.MLP_layers, config.activation_func[c:])): cnn.addPerceptronLayer(n, act) # Auto adding of last layer if len(config.MLP_layers) or (config.rnn_layer_kwargs is not None) > 0: cnn.addPerceptronLayer(n_lab, 'linear', force_no_dropout=True) else: if in ['affinity', 'malis']: if == 'malis': cnn.addConvLayer(n_lab, 1, 1, 'linear', is_last_layer=True, affinity='malis') # reshape=True else: cnn.addConvLayer(n_lab, 1, 1, 'linear', is_last_layer=True, affinity=True) # reshape=True else: cnn.addConvLayer(n_lab, 1, 1, 'linear', is_last_layer=True) # reshape=True use_class_weights = True if config.class_weights is not None else False use_label_prop = True if config.label_prop_thresh is not None else False cnn.compileOutputFunctions(, use_class_weights, config.use_example_weights, config.lazy_labels, use_label_prop) cnn.setOptimizerParams(config.SGD_params, config.CG_params, config.RPROP_params, config.LBFGS_params, config.Adam_params, config.weight_decay) if enable_dropout: cnn.setDropoutRates(config.dropout_rates) if config.param_file is not None: cnn.loadParameters(config.param_file) return cnn
[docs]def createNetfromParams(param_file, patch_size, batch_size=1, activation_func='tanh', poolings=None, MFP=None, only_prediction=False): """ Convenience function to create CNN without ``config`` directly from a saved parameter file. Therefore this function only allows restricted configuration and does not initialise the training optimisers. Parameters ---------- param_file: string/path File to initialise parameters of CNN from. The file must contain a list of shapes of the W-parameters as first entry and should ideally contain a list of pooling factors as last entry, alternatively the can be given as optional argument patch_size: tuple of int Patch size for input data batch_size: int Number of input patches activation_func: string Activation function to use for all layers poolings: list of int Pooling factors per layer (if not included in the parameter file) MFP: list of bool/{0,1} Whether to use MFP in the respective layers only_prediction: Bool This excludes the building of the gradient (faster) Returns ------- CNN-Object """ f = open(param_file, 'r') shapes = cPickle.load(f) n_lay = len(shapes) print "Shapes are:", shapes print "#Layers =", n_lay for i in xrange(n_lay): cPickle.load(f) cPickle.load(f) try: poolings = cPickle.load(f) print "Found Pooling info:", poolings except: if poolings is None: raise ValueError("No Pooling info found in file or provided") f.close() if MFP is None: MFP = [0, ] * n_lay nof_filters = map(lambda x: x[0], shapes) if len(shapes[0]) == 4: n_ch = shapes[0][1] filters = map(lambda x: (x[2], x[3]), shapes) elif len(shapes[0]) == 5: n_ch = shapes[0][2] filters = map(lambda x: (x[1], ) + x[3:], shapes) else: raise NotImplementedError() #filters = map(lambda x: (x[1],)+x[3:], shapes) dims = CNNCalculator(filters, poolings, desired_input=patch_size, MFP=MFP, force_center=False, n_dim=len(shapes[0]) - 2, ) patch_size = dims.input cnn = convnet.MixedConvNN(patch_size, input_depth=n_ch, batch_size=batch_size) for i, (n, f, p, mfp) in enumerate(zip(nof_filters, filters, poolings, MFP)): if i < n_lay - 1: cnn.addConvLayer(n, f, p, activation_func, use_fragment_pooling=mfp) else: cnn.addConvLayer(n, 1, p, activation_func, is_last_layer=True) cnn.compileOutputFunctions(target='nll', only_forward=only_prediction) if param_file is not None: cnn.loadParameters(param_file) return cnn
if __name__ == "__main__": cnn = createNetfromParams('Barrier_flat_2d_end.param', patch_size=(500, 500), batch_size=1, activation_func='tanh', MFP=[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], only_prediction=False)