Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2014 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Marius Killinger, Gregor Urban

import numpy as np
import time, os, sys, gc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import trainutils as ut
from warping import getWarpParams, warp2dJoint, warp3dJoint

#if __package__ is None:
#  sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__) ) ) )

    import fadvise
    fadvise_avail = True
    fadvise_avail = False

    import malis
    malis_avail = True
    malis_avail = False


[docs]def plotTrainingTarget(img, lab, stride=1): """ Plots raw image vs label to check if valid batches are produced. Raw data is also shown overlaid with labels Parameters ---------- img: 2d array raw image from batch lab: 2d array labels stride: int stride of labels """ if len(lab) * stride != len(img): off = (len(img) - stride * len(lab)) // 2 // stride new_l = np.zeros((lab.shape[0] + 2 * off, lab.shape[1] + 2 * off)) new_l[off:-off, off:-off] = lab lab = new_l plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6)) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(img, interpolation='none', cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) plt.title('data') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(lab, interpolation='none', cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) plt.title('label') if img.shape == lab.shape: overlay = 0.75 * img + 0.25 * (1 - lab) plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(overlay, interpolation='none', cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) plt.title('overlay') return img - lab
def _transposeIgnoreCh(arr, T): """Transpose ``arr`` with permutation ``T`` but ignore channel axis with index 1""" T_ = np.copy(T) T_ += T_ > 0 return np.transpose(arr, (T_[0], 1) + tuple(T_[1:])) def _getValid3dTranspose(arr, ps): """For 3d ``arr`` and 2d patchsize ``ps`` returns list of valid transposes that cover the patch size""" all_T = [(0, 1, 2), (2, 0, 1), (1, 2, 0)] possible_T = [] for T in all_T: sh = np.transpose(arr, T).shape if reduce(lambda x, y: (y[0] <= y[1]) and x, zip(ps, sh[:2]), True): # check if first 2 dims are large enough possible_T.append(T) return possible_T def _randomFlip(d, l, rng, aniso=True, upright_x=False): """Do joint random 90deg-rotation/mirroring on spatial axes for ``d`` and ``l``""" n_dim = len(d.shape) - 1 if n_dim == 2: if not upright_x: if 0.5 < rng.rand(): d = np.swapaxes(d, 1, 2) l = np.swapaxes(l, 0, 1) flip = rng.binomial(1, 0.5, 2) * 2 - 1 # gives strides of -1 and 1 for all spatial axis d = d[:, ::flip[0], ::flip[1]] # this flips axis directions l = l[::flip[0], ::flip[1]] else: # only flip the y-axis for upright images if 0.5 < rng.rand(): d = d[:, :, ::-1] l = l[:, ::-1] elif n_dim == 3: if aniso: # For anisotropic resolution only rotate in x-y-pane if 0.5 < rng.rand(): d = np.swapaxes(d, 2, 3) l = np.swapaxes(l, 1, 2) else: T = rng.permutation(3) d = _transposeIgnoreCh(d, T) l = np.transpose(l, T) flip = rng.binomial(1, 0.5, 3) * 2 - 1 d = d[::flip[0], :, ::flip[1], ::flip[2]] l = l[::flip[0], ::flip[1], ::flip[2]] return d, l def _greyAugment(d, channels, rng): """ Performs grey value (historgram) augmentations on ``d``. This is only applied to ``channels`` (list of channels indices), ``rng`` is a random number generator """ if channels == []: return d else: n_dim = len(d.shape) - 1 k = len(channels) d = d.copy() # d is still just a view, we don't want to change the original data so copy it alpha = 1 + (rng.rand(k) - 0.5) * 0.3 # ~ contrast c = (rng.rand(k) - 0.5) * 0.3 # mediates whether values are clipped for shadows or lights gamma = 2.0**(rng.rand(k) * 2 - 1) # sample from [0.5,2] with mean 0 if n_dim == 3: d[:, channels] = d[:, channels] * alpha[None, :, None, None] + c[None, :, None, None] d[:, channels] = np.clip(d[:, channels], 0, 1) # clip to valid range (otherwise the above has little effect) d[:, channels] = d[:, channels]**gamma[None, :, None, None] elif n_dim == 2: d[channels] = d[channels] * alpha[:, None, None] + c[:, None, None] d[channels] = np.clip(d[channels], 0, 1) d[channels] = d[channels]**gamma[:, None, None] return d def _stripCubes(d, l, off, ldtype): """ Determine minimal trainable image data size (depending on the size of labels and CNN offset). It is assumed that labels lie in the center of the corresponding raw image cube. Finally d and l have same shapes in x,y,z, where l is zero-padded or d is cut. """ if len(off) == 2: off = np.concatenate(([0, ], off)) d_off = [] l_cut = [] for i, (d_sh, l_sh) in enumerate(zip( np.array(d.shape)[[0, 2, 3]], l.shape)): assert ((d_sh - l_sh) - 2 * off[i]) % 2 == 0 x = ((d_sh - l_sh) - 2 * off[i]) / 2 # This the offset with which data needs to be cut # The missing length of the labels, but data must still be 2*off[i] larger, by two (one cut from each side) if x < 0: # More labels than data l_cut.append(-x) # These are the superfluous label stripes x = 0 else: # More data than labels l_cut.append(0) d_off.append(x) # These are the superfluous data stripes # cut minimal trainable data d = d[d_off[0]:d.shape[0] - d_off[0], :, d_off[1]:d.shape[2] - d_off[1], d_off[2]:d.shape[3] - d_off[2]] # cut minimal trainable labels if np.any(l_cut): print "Warning: the CNN offset is so large that labels are cut off!\nOn each side of the cube %s" % (l_cut) new_l_sh = np.array(d.shape)[[0, 2, 3]] #map(lambda x: x[0] - 2*x[1] , zip(np.array(d.shape)[[0,2,3]], off)) new_l = np.zeros(new_l_sh, dtype=ldtype) l = l[l_cut[0]:l.shape[0] - l_cut[0], l_cut[1]:l.shape[1] - l_cut[1], l_cut[2]:l.shape[2] - l_cut[2]] new_l[off[0]:new_l.shape[0] - off[0], off[1]:new_l.shape[1] - off[1], off[2]:new_l.shape[2] - off[2]] = l assert d.shape[2:] == new_l.shape[1:] assert d.shape[0] == new_l.shape[0] return d, new_l def _borderTreatment(data_list, ps, border_mode, n_dim): def treatArray(data): if border_mode == 'keep': return data if n_dim == 3: sh = (data.shape[0], ) + data.shape[2:] # exclude channel (z,x,y) else: sh = data.shape[2:] # (x,y) if border_mode == 'crop': excess = map(lambda x: int((x[0] - x[1]) // 2), zip(sh, ps)) if n_dim == 3: data = data[excess[0]:excess[0] + ps[0], :, excess[1]:excess[1] + ps[1], excess[2]:excess[2] + ps[2]] elif n_dim == 2: data = data[:, :, excess[0]:excess[0] + ps[0], excess[1]: excess[1] + ps[1]] else: excess_l = map(lambda x: int(np.ceil(float(x[0] - x[1]) / 2)), zip(ps, sh)) excess_r = map(lambda x: int(np.floor(float(x[0] - x[1]) / 2)), zip(ps, sh)) if n_dim == 3: pad_with = [(excess_l[0], excess_r[0]), (0, 0), (excess_l[1], excess_r[1]), (excess_l[2], excess_r[2])] else: pad_with = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (excess_l[0], excess_r[0]), (excess_l[1], excess_r[1])] if border_mode == 'mirror': data = np.pad(data, pad_with, mode='symmetric') if border_mode == '0-pad': data = np.pad(data, pad_with, mode='constant', constant_values=0) return data return [treatArray(d) for d in data_list] def _make_affinities(labels, nhood=None, size_thresh=1): """ Construct an affinity graph from a segmentation (IDs) Segments with ID 0 are regarded as disconnected The spatial shape of the affinity graph is the same as of seg_gt. This means that some edges are are undefined and therefore treated as disconnected. If the offsets in nhood are positive, the edges with largest spatial index are undefined. Connected components is run on the affgraph to relabel the IDs locally. Parameters ---------- labels: 4d np.ndarray, int (any precision) Volumes of segmentation IDs (bs, z, x, y) nhood: 2d np.ndarray, int Neighbourhood pattern specifying the edges in the affinity graph Shape: (#edges, ndim) nhood[i] contains the displacement coordinates of edge i The number and order of edges is arbitrary size_thresh: int Size filters for connected compontens, smaller objects are mapped to BG Returns ------- aff: 5d np.ndarray int16 Affinity graph of shape (bs, #edges, x, y, z) 1: connected, 0: disconnected seg_gt: 4d np.ndarray int16 Affinity graph of shape (bs, x, y, z) Relabelling of components """ if not malis_avail: raise RuntimeError("Please install malis to use affinities") if nhood is None: nhood = np.eye(3, dtype=np.int32) aff_sh = [labels.shape[0], nhood.shape[0], ] + list(labels.shape[1:]) out_aff = np.zeros(aff_sh, dtype=np.int16) out_seg = np.zeros(labels.shape, dtype=np.int16) for i, l in enumerate(labels): out_aff[i] = malis.seg_to_affgraph(l, nhood) # we throw away the seg sizes out_seg[i], _ = malis.affgraph_to_seg(out_aff[i], nhood, size_thresh) return out_aff, out_seg
[docs]class CNNData(object): """ Patch creation and data handling interface for image like training data Parameters ---------- patch_size: 2/3-tuple Specifying CNN input shape of a single example, **without** channels: (x,y)/(z,x,y) stride: 2/3-tuple Specifying CNN output stride. May be ``None`` for scalar labels offset: 2/3-tuple Specifying overall CNN convolution border. May be ``None`` for scalar labels n_dim: int 2 or 3, CNN dimension n_lab: int Number of distinct classes/labels, if not provided (->None) this is automatically inferred (slow!) anistropic_data: Bool If True 2d slices are only cut and rotated along z-axis, otherwise all 3 alignments are used mode: str Mode that describes the kind of data and labels: img-img or img-scalar. If the labels are scalar but the data is a stack (along z-axis) of many examples, the many scalar labels should be stacked to a vector. For vect-scalar training use the ``TrainData``-class instead. zchxy_order: Bool If the data files are already in memory layout (z,ch,x,y)/(z,x,y), this option must be set to True, which makes data loading faster. border_mode: string For img-scalar training: specifies how to treat images that don't match a valid CNN input size upright_x: Bool If ``True``, image augmentation leaves the upright position of natural images intact, e.g. they are only mirrored horizontally, not vertically. Note: the horizontal direction corresponds to 'y' (because the 'x' comes before 'y' and the vertical comes before horizontal in numpy)! float_label: Bool Whether to return labels as float32 (for regression) or int16 (for classification) affinity: str/False False/'affinity'/'malis': malis returs additionally the segmentation IDs """ def __init__(self, patch_size=None, stride=None, offset=None, n_dim=2, n_lab=None, anistropic_data=False, mode='img-img', zchxy_order=False, border_mode='crop', pre_process=None, upright_x=False, float_label=False, affinity=False): print '\n' self.n_dim = n_dim if not hasattr(patch_size, '__len__'): patch_size = (patch_size, ) * n_dim else: assert len(patch_size) == n_dim if not hasattr(stride, '__len__') and stride is not None: stride = (stride, ) * n_dim if not hasattr(offset, '__len__') and offset is not None: offset = (offset, ) * n_dim self.patch_size = np.array(patch_size, if mode == 'img-img': self.stride = np.array(stride, self.offset = np.array(offset, self.n_lab = n_lab self.aniso = anistropic_data self.mode = mode self.zchxy_order = zchxy_order self.border_mode = border_mode self.pre_process = pre_process self.upright_x = upright_x self.ldtype = np.float32 if float_label else np.int16 self.affinity = affinity if n_dim == 3 and upright_x: print "Warning: the data is 3-dimensional and the 'upright_x'-flag is active, but it works only for 2d!" self.rng = np.random.RandomState(np.uint32((time.time() * 0.0001 - int(time.time() * 0.0001)) * 4294967295)) = os.getpid() self.gc_count = 1 self._sampling_weight = None self._training_count = None self._valid_count = None self.n_successful_warp = 0 self.n_failed_warp = 0 # Actual data self.names = [] = [] self.valid_d = [] self.valid_l = [] self.valid_i = [] self.train_d = [] self.train_l = [] self.train_i = [] def __repr__(self): return "%i-class Data Set with %i input channel(s):\n#train cubes: %i and #valid cubes: %i" \ % (self.n_lab, self.n_ch, self._training_count, self._valid_count)
[docs] def addDataFromFile(self, d_path, l_path, d_files, l_files, cube_prios=None, valid_cubes=[], downsample_xy=False): """ Parameters ---------- d_path/l_path: string Directories to load data from d_files/l_files: list List of data/label files in <path> directory (must be in the same order!). Each list element is a tuple in the form **(<Name of h5-file>, <Key of h5-dataset>)** cube_prios: list (not normalised) list of sampling weights to draw examples from the respective cubes. If None the cube sizes are taken as priorities. valid_cubes: list List of indices for cubes (from the file-lists) to use as validation data and exclude from training, may be empty list to skip performance estimation on validation data. """ self.names += d_files if fadvise_avail: names = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [d_path + y[0][0], l_path + y[1][0]], zip(d_files, l_files), []) fadvise.willneed(names) # returns lists of cubes, info is a tuple per cube data, label, info = self._read_images(d_path, l_path, d_files, l_files, downsample_xy) if self.mode == 'img-scalar': data = _borderTreatment(data, self.patch_size, self.border_mode, self.n_dim) if self.pre_process: if self.pre_process == 'standardise': M = np.mean(map(np.mean, data)) S = np.mean(map(np.std, data)) data = map(lambda x: (x - M) / S, data) print "Data is standardised. Original mean: %.g, original std %.g" % (M, S) self.data_mean = M self.data_std = S else: raise NotImplementedError("Pre-processing %s is not implemented" % self.pre_process) if self.n_lab is None: unique = [np.unique(l) for l in label] self.n_lab = np.unique(np.hstack(unique)).size default_info = (np.ones(self.n_lab), np.zeros(self.n_lab)) info = map(lambda x: default_info if x is None else x, info) += info prios = [] # Distribute Cubes into training and valid list for k, (d, l, i) in enumerate(zip(data, label, info)): if k in valid_cubes: self.valid_d.append(d) self.valid_l.append(l) self.valid_i.append(i) else: self.train_d.append(d) self.train_l.append(l) self.train_i.append(i) # If no priorities are given: sample proportional to cube size prios.append(l.size) if cube_prios is None or cube_prios == []: prios = np.array(prios, dtype=np.float) else: # If priorities are given: sample irrespective of cube size prios = np.array(cube_prios, dtype=np.float) # sample example i if: batch_prob[i] < p self._sampling_weight = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(prios / prios.sum()))) self._training_count = len(self.train_d) self._valid_count = len(self.valid_d) print self.__repr__() print '\n'
[docs] def addDataFromNdarray(self, d_train, l_train, d_valid=[], l_valid=[], cube_prios=None): """ Parameters ---------- d_train: list of numpy arrays the input data for Training l_train: list of numpy arrays the labels for Training d_valid: list of numpy arrays the input data for validation [OPTIONAL] l_valid: list of numpy arrays the labels for validation [OPTIONAL] cube_prios: list of floats Default: None --> probability of sampling Training data from a cube is proportional to its size """ if type(d_train) is not type([]): d_train = [d_train] l_train = [l_train] self.names = ["directly_added_data_" + str(i) for i in range(len(d_train))] if self.n_lab is None: unique = [np.unique(l) for l in l_train] self.n_lab = np.unique(np.hstack(unique)).size default_info = (np.ones(self.n_lab), np.zeros(self.n_lab)) info = map(lambda x: default_info if x is None else x, default_info) = info if len(d_train) and d_train[0].n_dim == 3 or len(d_valid) and d_valid[0].n_dim == 3: self.n_ch = 1 else: self.n_ch = d_train[0].shape[0] if len(d_train) else d_valid[0].shape[0] if self.mode == 'img-scalar': self.valid_d += _borderTreatment(d_valid, self.patch_size, self.border_mode, self.n_dim) self.train_d += _borderTreatment(d_train, self.patch_size, self.border_mode, self.n_dim) else: self.valid_d += d_valid self.train_d += d_train self.valid_l += l_valid self.train_l += l_train self.train_i = info self.valid_i = info if cube_prios is not None: prios = np.array(cube_prios, dtype=np.float) else: prios = np.array([l.size for l in self.train_l], dtype=np.float) prios = np.array(prios, dtype=np.float) # sample example i if: batch_prob[i] < p self._sampling_weight = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(prios / prios.sum()))) self._training_count = len(self.train_d) self._valid_count = len(self.valid_d) print self.__repr__()
def _allocBatch(self, batch_size): patch_size = self.patch_size if self.n_dim == 2: images = np.zeros((batch_size, self.n_ch, patch_size[0], patch_size[1]), dtype='float32') if self.mode == 'img-img': off = self.offset label = np.zeros((batch_size, patch_size[0] - 2 * off[0], patch_size[1] - 2 * off[1]), dtype=self.ldtype) else: label = np.zeros((batch_size, ), dtype=self.ldtype) elif self.n_dim == 3: images = np.zeros((batch_size, patch_size[0], self.n_ch, patch_size[1], patch_size[2]), dtype='float32') if self.mode == 'img-img': off = self.offset label = np.zeros((batch_size, patch_size[0] - 2 * off[0], patch_size[1] - 2 * off[1], patch_size[2] - 2 * off[2]), dtype=self.ldtype) else: if self.train_l[0].size>1: # non-image but more than 1 --> vector label = np.zeros((batch_size, self.train_l[0].size), dtype=self.ldtype) else: label = np.zeros((batch_size, ), dtype=self.ldtype) return images, label
[docs] def getbatch(self, batch_size=1, source='train', strided=True, flip=True, grey_augment_channels=[], ret_info=False, warp_on=False, ignore_thresh=0.0, ret_example_weights=False): """ Prepares a batch by randomly sampling, shifting and augmenting patches from the data Parameters ---------- batch_size: int Number of examples in batch (for CNNs often just 1) source: string Data set to draw data from: 'train'/'valid' strided: Bool If True the labels are sub-sampled according to the CNN output stride. Non-strided labels requires MFP in the CNN! flip: Bool If True examples are mirrored and rotated by 90 deg randomly grey_augment_channels: list List of channel indices to apply grey-value augmentation to ret_info: Bool If True additional information for reach batch example is returned. Currently implemented are two info arrays to indicate the labelling mode. The first dimension of those arrays is the batch_size! warp_on: Bool/Float(0,1) Whether warping/distortion augmentations are applied to examples (slow --> use multiprocessing) If this is a float number, warping is applied to this fraction of examples e.g. 0.5 --> every other example ignore_thresh: float If the fraction of negative labels in an example patch exceeds this threshold, this example is discarded (Negative labels are ignored for training [but could be used for unsupervised label propagation]). Returns ------- data: [bs, ch, x, y] or [bs, z, ch, x, y] for 2d and 3d CNNS label: [bs, x, y] or [bs, z, x, y] info1: (optional) [bs, n_lab] info2: (optional) [bs, n_lab] """ # This is especially required for multiprocessing self._reseed() images, label = self._allocBatch(batch_size) infos = [] patch_count = 0 while patch_count < batch_size: # Loop to fill up batch with examples d, l, info = self._getcube(source) # get cube randomly d, l = self._warpAugment(d, l, warp_on, ignore_thresh, self.upright_x) # doesn't change l if l is non-image if (ignore_thresh != 0.0) and (not np.any(info[1])) and (float(np.count_nonzero([l < 0])) / l.size) > ignore_thresh: continue # do not use cubes which have no information if flip: if self.patch_size[-1] != self.patch_size[-2]: raise RuntimeError("Cannot apply 'flip' to image if x and y have different sizes") if self.mode == 'img-img': d, l = _randomFlip(d, l, self.rng, self.aniso, self.upright_x) else: # lazy hack to exclude labels from transform dummy_l = d[0] if self.n_dim==2 else d[:,0] d, _ = _randomFlip(d, dummy_l, self.rng, self.aniso, self.upright_x) if source == "train": # no grey augmentation for testing d = _greyAugment(d, grey_augment_channels, self.rng) label[patch_count] = l images[patch_count] = d infos.append(info) patch_count += 1 if ret_example_weights: weights = self.getExampleWeights(images, label) if strided: label = self._stridedLabels(label) ret = [images, label] if self.affinity == 'malis': aff, seg = _make_affinities(label) # [bs, z, x, y, 3] ret = [images, aff, seg] if self.affinity == 'affinity': aff, seg = _make_affinities(label) # [bs, z, x, y, 3] ret = [images, aff] if ret_info: # info is now a list(bs) of tuples(2) infos = np.atleast_3d(np.array(infos, dtype=np.int16)) # (bs, 2, 5) info1 = infos[:, 0] info2 = infos[:, 1] ret += [info1, info2] if ret_example_weights: ret += [weights, ] self.gc_count += 1 if self.gc_count % 1000 == 0: gc.collect() return tuple(ret)
def _warpAugment(self, d, l, warp_on, ignore_thresh, upright_x): if (warp_on is True) or (warp_on == 1): # always warp do_warp = True elif (0 < warp_on < 1): # warp only a fraction of examples do_warp = True if (self.rng.rand() < warp_on) else False else: # never warp do_warp = False if False and upright_x and do_warp: assert self.n_dim == 2, "upright_x only works for 2d" raise NotImplementedError() elif do_warp: ext_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist = getWarpParams(self.patch_size) try: d, l = self._cutPatch(d, l, ps=ext_size, thresh=ignore_thresh) if self.n_dim == 2: d, l = warp2dJoint(d, l, self.patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch) # ignores label if non-image else: d, l = warp3dJoint(d, l, self.patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist) # ignores label if non-image self.n_successful_warp += 1 except ValueError: # the ext_size is to big for this data cube self.n_failed_warp += 1 d, l = self._cutPatch(d, l, thresh=ignore_thresh) # Don't do warping else: # do not warp d, l = self._cutPatch(d, l, thresh=ignore_thresh) # Don't do warping return d, l
[docs] def getExampleWeights(self, raw_rec, lab, gain=2.0, blurr=False): off = self.offset previous_pred = raw_rec[:, :, -1] # the last channel is the prediction previous_pred = previous_pred[:, off[0]:-off[0], off[1]:-off[1], off[2]:-off[2]] if blurr: lab = lab raise NotImplementedError() lab = self._stridedLabels(lab) previous_pred = self._stridedLabels(previous_pred) diff = lab - previous_pred # misses are (+) and clutter is (-) weights = np.ones_like(lab, dtype=np.float32) weights += (diff < -0.1) * gain * (-diff - 0.1) weights += (diff > 0.05) * gain * (diff - 0.05) # This gives ca. 1.5 times weight, so maybe the same LR can be used return weights
def _getcube(self, source): """Draw an example cube according to sampling weight on training data, or randomly on valid data""" if source == 'train': p = self.rng.rand() i = np.flatnonzero(self._sampling_weight <= p)[-1] d, l, info = self.train_d[i], self.train_l[i], self.train_i[i] elif source == "valid": if len(self.valid_d) == 0: print "Validation Set empty. Disable testing on validation set." d, l, info = [], [], [] i = self.rng.randint(0, len(self.valid_d)) d = self.valid_d[i] l = self.valid_l[i] info = self.valid_i[i] else: raise ValueError("Unkonown data source") return d, l, info def _cutPatch(self, img, lab, ps=None, thresh=0, it=0): """ Cut a patch from a cube of data and label To enable deformations the patch must be cut with ``ps`` shape. ``thresh`` specifies threshold on negative (i.e. ignore) labels, then another iteration ``it`` is started (but maximal 10) """ if ps is None: ps = self.patch_size if self.n_dim == 3: try: shift = [int(self.rng.randint(0, s - p, 1)) for p, s in zip(ps, np.array(img.shape)[[0, 2, 3]])] except ValueError: if np.all(np.equal(ps, np.array(img.shape)[[0, 2, 3]])): shift = [0, 0, 0] else: raise ValueError("Image smaller than patch size: Image shape=%s, patch size=%s" % (img.shape[1:], ps)) cut_img = img[shift[0]:shift[0] + ps[0], :, shift[1]:shift[1] + ps[1], shift[2]:shift[2] + ps[2]] if self.mode == 'img-img': off = self.offset cut_lab = lab[off[0] + shift[0]:shift[0] + ps[0] - off[0], off[1] + shift[1]:shift[1] + ps[1] - off[1], off[2] + shift[2]: shift[2] + ps[2] - off[2]] else: cut_lab = lab else: # 2d if self.aniso or self.mode == 'img-scalar': # no transposition of axes for anisotropic data imgT, labT = img, lab else: # For isotropic data slices must not exclusively be cut in z direction # cut also perpendicular to x or y axis, this is not flipping (see separate function _flip)! possible_T = _getValid3dTranspose(lab, ps) i = self.rng.randint(0, len(possible_T)) imgT = _transposeIgnoreCh(img, possible_T[i]) # img has one dim more labT = np.transpose(lab, possible_T[i]) z_pos = self.rng.randint(0, imgT.shape[0]) try: shift = [int(self.rng.randint(0, s - p, 1)) for p, s in zip(ps, imgT.shape[-2:])] except ValueError: if np.all(np.equal(ps, imgT.shape[-2:])): shift = [0, 0] else: raise ValueError("Image smaller than patch size: Image shape=%s, patch size=%s" % (imgT.shape[1:], ps)) cut_img = imgT[z_pos, :, shift[0]:shift[0] + ps[0], shift[1]:shift[1] + ps[1]] if self.mode == 'img-img': off = self.offset cut_lab = labT[z_pos, off[0] + shift[0]:shift[0] + ps[0] - off[0], off[1] + shift[1]:shift[1] + ps[1] - off[1]] else: cut_lab = labT[z_pos] # check if there are enough non-ignore (i.e. positive) labels , but MAX 10 time, then use current result if (it < 10) and ( thresh != 0.0) and (float(np.count_nonzero([cut_lab < 0])) / cut_lab.size) > thresh: return self._cutPatch(img, lab, ps, thresh, it + 1) else: return cut_img, cut_lab def _reseed(self): """Reseeds the rng if the process ID has changed!""" current_pid = os.getpid() if current_pid != = current_pid self.rng.seed(np.uint32((time.time() * 0.0001 - int(time.time() * 0.0001)) * 4294967295 + print "Reseeding RNG in Process with PID:", def _stridedLabels(self, lab): if self.n_dim == 3: return lab[:, ::self.stride[0], ::self.stride[1], ::self.stride[2]] else: return lab[:, ::self.stride[0], ::self.stride[1]] def _read_images(self, d_path, l_path, d_files, l_files, downsample_xy): """ Image files on disk are expected to be in order (ch,x,y,z) or (x,y,z) But image stacks are returned as (z,ch,x,y) and label as (z,x,y,) irrespective of the order in the file. If the image files have no channel this dimension is extended to a singleton dimension. """ data, label, info = [], [], [] if len(d_files) != len(l_files): raise ValueError("d_files and l_files must be lists of same length!") for (d_f, d_key), (l_f, l_key) in zip(d_files, l_files): print 'Loading %s' % d_f, d = ut.h5Load(d_path + d_f, d_key) print 'Loading %s' % l_f l = ut.h5Load(l_path + l_f, l_key) try: info_1 = ut.h5Load(l_path + l_f, 'info') info.append(info_1) except KeyError: info.append(None) if not self.zchxy_order: if len(d.shape) == 4: self.n_ch = d.shape[0] print "Data has %i channels" % self.n_ch elif len(d.shape) == 3: # We have no channels in data self.n_ch = 1 d = d[None, :, :, :] # add (empty) 0-axis if l.size == 0: l = np.zeros_like(d[0], dtype=self.ldtype) elif self.mode == 'img-scalar': assert len(l.shape) == 1, "Scalar labels must be 1d" # Transpose such that access is optimal d = np.transpose(d, (3, 0, 1, 2)) # (ch,x,y,z)-->(z,ch,x,y) if self.mode == 'img-img': l = np.transpose(l, (2, 0, 1)) # (x,y,z)-->(z,x,y) d, l = _stripCubes(d, l, self.offset, self.ldtype) else: # data in memory layout: if len(d.shape) == 4: self.n_ch = d.shape[1] print "Data has %i channels" % self.n_ch elif len(d.shape) == 3: # We have no channels in data self.n_ch = 1 d = d[:, None, :, :] # add (empty) 0-axis if l.size == 0: sh = (d.shape[0], ) + d.shape[2:] l = np.zeros_like(sh, dtype=self.ldtype) elif self.mode == 'img-scalar': assert len(l.shape) == 1, "Scalar labels must be 1d" if self.mode == 'img-img': d, l = _stripCubes(d, l, self.offset, self.ldtype) # determine normalisation depending on int or float type if d.dtype in [, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.uint32, np.uint, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint32]: m = 255 else: m = 1 d = np.ascontiguousarray(d, dtype=np.float32) / m if (self.ldtype is not l.dtype and np.issubdtype(l.dtype, np.integer)): m = l.max() M = np.iinfo(self.ldtype).max if m > M: raise ValueError("Loading of data: labels must be cast to %s, but %s cannot store value %g, maximum allowed value: %g. You may try to renumber labels." % (self.ldtype, self.ldtype, m, M)) l = np.ascontiguousarray(l, dtype=self.ldtype) if downsample_xy: f = int(downsample_xy) l_sh = l.shape cut = np.mod(l_sh, f) d = d[:, :, :l_sh[-2] - cut[-2], :l_sh[-1] - cut[-1]] sh = d[:, :, ::f, ::f].shape new_d = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) l = l[:, :l_sh[-2] - cut[-2], :l_sh[-1] - cut[-1]] sh = l[:, ::f, ::f].shape new_l = np.zeros(sh, dtype=self.ldtype) for i in xrange(f): for j in xrange(f): new_d += d[:, :, i::f, j::f] new_l += l[:, i::f, j::f] d = new_d / f**2 l = new_l / f**2 gc.collect() print "Internal data.shape=%s, label.shape=%s" % (d.shape, l.shape) print '---' data.append(d) label.append(l) return data, label, info
############################################################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": print "Testing CNNData" if __package__ is None: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from import netutils from parallelisation import BackgroundProc _data_path = os.path.expanduser('~/devel/data/BirdGT/') # (*) Path to data dir # _data_path = os.path.expanduser('~/mnt_ssh/home/mkilling/devel/data/BirdGT/') # (*) Path to data dir _label_path = _data_path _d_files = [('raw_cube0-crop.h5', 'raw')] _l_files = [('cube0_barrier-int16.h5', 'labels')] cube_prios = None n_lab = 2 # int or None for auto n_dim = 3 desired_input = [ 80, 300, 300 ] # (*) <int> or <2/3-tuple> in (x,y)/(x,y,z)-order for anisotropic CNN filters = [6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] # [1,1,1] pool = [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1] # [1,1,1] MFP = False grey_augment_channels = [0] # List of channel indices to apply transform flip_data = True dimensions = netutils.CNNCalculator(filters, pool, desired_input, MFP=MFP, force_center=False, n_dim=n_dim) print dimensions patch_size = dimensions.input off = int(dimensions.offset[0]) D = CNNData(patch_size, dimensions.pred_stride, dimensions.offset, n_dim, n_lab=n_lab, anistropic_data=True, zchxy_order=False, mode='img-img', border_mode='keep') D.addDataFromFile(_data_path, _label_path, _d_files, _l_files, cube_prios=cube_prios, valid_cubes=[]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- kwargs = dict(batch_size=1, strided=False, flip=flip_data, grey_augment_channels=grey_augment_channels, ret_info=True, warp_on=True, ignore_thresh=0.5) data, label, info1, info2 = D.getbatch( **kwargs) # (bs, z, ch, x, y), (bs, z, x, y) img = data[0, :, 0] for i in xrange(img.shape[0]): plt.imsave('/tmp/%i-img.png' % (i), img[i, ], cmap='gray') lab = label[0] for i in xrange(lab.shape[0]): plt.imsave('/tmp/%i-lab.png' % (i + off), lab[i])