# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2014 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Marius Killinger, Gregor Urban
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
from elektronn.net import netutils
import trainutils
import elektronn.examples
[docs]class MasterConfig(object):
def __init__(self):
This class hard-codes the distribution-wide default values
### Toolkit Setup ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.save_path = "~/CNN_Training/" # (*) <String>: where to create the CNN directory. In this directory a new folder is created with the name of the model
self.plot_on = True # <Bool>: whether to create plots of the errors etc.
self.print_status = True # <Bool>: whether to print Training status to std.out
self.device = False # False (use .theanorc value) or int (use gpu<i>)
self.param_save_h = 1.0 # hours: frequency to save a permanent parameter snapshot
self.initial_prev_h = 1.0 # hours: time after which first preview is made
self.prev_save_h = 3.0 # hours: frequency to create previews
### Paths and General ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.save_name = 'Test' # (*) <String>: with the save_name.
self.overwrite = True # <Bool>: whether to delete/overwrite existing directory
self.save_path += self.save_name + '/'
self.param_file = None # <String>/<None>: optional parameter file to initialise weights from
### Network Architecture ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: the last layer is added automatically (with n_lab outputs)
self.activation_func = 'relu' # <String> or <List> of <String>s: [relu], abs, linear, sig, tanh, (globally or per layer)
self.batch_size = 1 # (*) <Int>: number of different slices/examples used for one optimisation step
self.dropout_rates = [] # (*) <List> of <Float>>(0,1) or <Float>(0,1): "fail"-rates (globally or per layer)
# The last layer never has dropout.
# Conv layers
self.n_dim = 2 # (*) 2/3: for non image data (mode 'vect-scalar') this is ignored
self.desired_input = 100 # (*) <Int> or 2/3-Tuple: in (x,y)/(x,y,z)-order for anisotropic CNN
self.filters = [] # (*) <List> of <Int> or <List> of <2/3-tuples> or []: filter shapes in (x,y)/(x,y,z)-order
self.pool = [] # (*) <List> of <Int> or <List> of <2/3-tuples> or []: pool shapes in (x,y)/(x,y,z)-order
self.nof_filters = [] # (*) <List> of <Int> / []: number of feature maps per layer
self.pooling_mode = 'max' # ($) <String> or <List> of <String>: select pooling function (globally or per layer)
# available: 'max', 'maxabs'
self.MFP = [] # (*) <List> of <Int>{0,1}/False: whether to apply Max-Fragment-Pooling (globally or per layer)
# Other
self.rnn_layer_kwargs = None # ($) <Dict>/<None>: if in use: dict(n_hid=Int, activation_func='tanh', iterations=None/Int)
self.MLP_layers = [] # (*) <List> of <Int>: numbers of filters for fully connected layers (after conv layers)
self.target = 'nll' # <String>: 'nll' or 'regression'
### Data CNN ### (the whole block is ignored for mode 'vect-scalar') ### ----------------------------------------------------------------
self.data_path = '/' # (*) <String>: Path to data dir
self.label_path = '/' # (*) <String>: Path to label dir
self.d_files = [] # (*) <List> of tuples: (file name, key of h5 data set)
self.l_files = [] # (*) <List> of tuples: (file name, key of h5 data set)
self.cube_prios = None # <List>/<None>: sampling priorities for cubes or None, then: sampling ~ example_size
# will be normalised internally
self.valid_cubes = [] # <List>: of cube indices (from the file-lists) to use as validation data,
# may be empty
self.example_ignore_threshold = 0.0 # <Float>: If the fraction of negative labels in an example patch exceeds
# this threshold this example is discarded
self.grey_augment_channels = [0] # (*) <List>: of integer channel-indices to apply grey augmentation, use [] to disable.
# It distorts the histogram of the raw images (darker, lighter, more/less contrast)
self.use_example_weights = False # ($) <Bool>: Whether to use weights for the examples (e.g. for Boosting-like training)
self.flip_data = True # <Bool>: whether to flip/rotate/mirror data randomly (augmentation)
self.anisotropic_data = True # (*) <Bool>: if True 2D slices are only cut in z-direction, otherwise all 3 alignments are used
self.lazy_labels = False # ($) <Bool>: Special Training with lazy annotations
self.warp_on = False # <Bool>/<Float>(0,1): Warping augmentations (CPU-intense, use background processes!)
# If <Float>: warping is applied to this fraction of examples e.g. 0.5 --> every 2nd example
self.border_mode = "crop" # <String>: Only applicable for *img-scalar*. If the CNN does not allow the original size of
# the images the following options are available:
# "crop" : if img too big, cut the images to the next smaller valid input size,
# "keep" : if img too big, keep the size and cut smaller patches with translations
# "0-pad" : if img to small, padd to the next bigger valid input with zeros,
# "mirror": if img to small, padd to the next bigger valid input by mirroring along border
# "reject": if img size too small/big, throw exception
self.pre_process = None # "standardise"/None: (0-mean, 1-std) (over all pixels)
self.zchxy_order = False # <Bool>: set to True if data is in (z, (ch,) x, y) order, otherwise (ch, x, y, z) is assume
self.upright_x = False # <Bool>: If true, mirroring is only applied horizontally (e.g. for outdoor images or handwriting)
self.downsample_xy = False # <Bool>/<Int> downsample by this factor, or not at all if False
### Data Preview ### (only for img-img) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.preview_data_path = None # <String>/<None>: path to a h5-file that contains data to make preview predictions
# it must contain a list of image cubes (normalised between 0 and 255) in the shape ((ch,) x,y,z)
self.preview_kwargs = dict(export_class=1, max_z_pred=5) # <Dict>: specification of preview to create
### Data Common ### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.mode = 'img-img' # (*) <String>: combination of data and label types: 'img-img', 'img-scalar', vect-scalar'
self.n_lab = None # (*) <Int>/<None>: (None means auto detect, very slow, don't do this!)
self.background_processes = False # <Bool>/<Int>: whether to "pre-fetch" batches in separate background
# process, <Bool> or number of processes (True-->2)
### Data Alternative / vect-scalar ### (this may replace the above CNN block) ### -------------------------------------------------------
self.data_class_name = None # <String>: Name of Data Class in TrainData
self.data_load_kwargs = dict() # <Dict>: Arguments to init Data Class
self.data_batch_kwargs = dict() # <Dict>: Arguments for getbach method of Data Class (for training set only!)
# The batch_size argument is added internally and needn't be specified here
### Optimisation Options ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.n_steps = 10**12 # (*) <Int>: number of update steps
self.max_runtime = 24 * 3600 # (*) <Int>: maximal Training time in seconds (overrides n_steps)
self.history_freq = [500] # (*) <List> of single <Int>: create plots, print status and test model after x steps
self.monitor_batch_size = 10 # (*) <Int>: number of patches to test model on (valid and train subset)
self.weight_decay = False # ($) False/<Float>: weighting of L2-norm on weights ("lambda"), False is equal to 0.0
self.class_weights = None # ($) <None> or <List> of <Float>: weights for the classes, will be normalised internally
self.label_prop_thresh = None # ($) <None>/<Float>: if <Float> value is set, unlabelled examples (-1) will be trained on the
# current prediction if the predicted probability exceeds this threshold.
self.optimizer = 'SGD' # ($) <String>: [SGD]/CG/RPORP/LBFGS method for training
self.LR_decay = 0.993 # (*) <Float>: decay of SGD learning rate w.r.t to an interval of 1000 update steps
self.LR_schedule = None # (*) <List> of tuples/<None>: (#iteration, new_LR), if used this sets the LR
# at the specified iteration steps to the specified value. This is independent of the decay.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.SGD_params = dict(LR=0.001,
momentum=0.9) # (*) <Dict>: initial learning rate and momentum
self.SSGD_params = dict(LR=0.01,
var_cuttoff=3.0) # <Dict>
# RPROP ($)
self.RPROP_params = dict(penalty=0.35,
initial_update_size=1e-4) # <Dict>
# Adam ($)
self.Adam_params = dict(LR=0.001,
epsilon=1e-8) # <Dict>
# CG ($)
self.CG_params = dict(n_steps=4, # update steps per same batch 3 <--> 6
alpha=0.35, # termination criterion of line search, must be <= 0.35
beta=0.75, # precision of line search, imprecise 0.5 <--> 0.9 precise
max_step=0.02, # similar to learning rate in SGD 0.1 <--> 0.001.
# LBFGS ($)
self.LBFGS_params = dict(maxfun= 40, # function evaluations
maxiter= 4, # iterations
m= 10, # maximum number of variable metric corrections
factr= 1e2, # factor of machine precision as termination criterion
pgtol= 1e-9, # projected gradient tolerance
iprint= -1) # set to 0 for direct printing of steps
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.__doc__ = "" # Just a hack
[docs]class DefaultConfig(MasterConfig):
def __init__(self):
This class overwrites the master values with values from a user file (if present)
self).__init__() # gives initiall values for all attributes
config_dict = {}
user_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.elektronn.config')
if not os.path.exists(user_path):
pass # Maybe message that user should create own file
print "Reading User Default Config"
execfile(user_path, {}, config_dict)
except Exception, e:
raise RuntimeError("The user config file %s does exist, but an error happend during reading, it might contain invalid code. Error: \n %s"
%(user_path, e))
for key in config_dict:
setattr(self, key, config_dict[key])
default_config = DefaultConfig()
### Configuration ############################################################################################
[docs]class Config(object):
Configuration object to manage the parameters of ``trainingInstance``
The ``monitor_batch_size`` is automatically fixed to a multiple of the ``batch_size``.
An attribute ``dimensions`` of type ``Net.netutils.CNNCalcquotesulator`` is created that checks if the CNN
architecture (combination of filter sizes and poolings) is valid and determines the input shape closest
to the ``desired_input``
The top level script (``trainer_file``), the config, the ``Net`` module and the ``Training`` module
are backed up into the CNN directory automatically. The Backup is intended to contain all code to
reproduce the CNN Training
config_file: string
Path to a CNN config file
gpu: int
Specifying id of GPU to initialise for usage. E.g. 1 --> "gpu1", None will initialise gpu0,\
False will not initialise any GPU. This only works if "device" is not set in ``.theanorc`` or if theano
has not been imported up to now. If the initialisation fails an error will be printed but the script
will not crash.
trainer_file: string
Path to the ``NetTrainer``-script (or any other top level script that drives the Training).\
The path is needed to backup the script in the CNN directory
use_existing_dir: Bool
Do not create a new directory for the CNN if True
override_MFP_to_active: Bool
If true, activates MFP in all layers where possible, ignoring the configuration in the config file.
This is useful for prediction using a config file from training. (only for CNN)
override_input_size_with: tuple or None
Similar as above, this can be used to impose another input size than specified in the config file. (only for CNN)
mandatory_vars = ['SGD_params',
'mode', ]
mandatory_data = ['d_files', 'data_path', 'l_files', 'label_path', ]
mandatory_cnn = ['desired_input', 'filters', 'n_dim', 'nof_filters', 'pool'
mandatory_mlp = ['MLP_layers']
def __init__(self,
super(Config, self).__init__()
self.imposed_input_size = imposed_input_size
self.override_MFP_to_active = override_MFP_to_active
# read and process the config parameters
self.default_config = default_config
self.config_file = os.path.expanduser(config_file)
# If file is not found, look if it's an example file:
if not os.path.isfile(self.config_file):
example_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(elektronn.examples.__file__), config_file)
if os.path.isfile(example_path):
self.config_file = example_path
raise RuntimeError('Config file %s could not be found.' % config_file)
custom_dict = self.parseConfig()
# for image data handle the architecutre / input sizes
if self.mode != 'vect-scalar':
force_center = True if self.mode == 'img-img' else False
self.dimensions = netutils.CNNCalculator(self.filters,
if self.mode == 'img-scalar':
if np.any(np.not_equal(self.dimensions.input,
if self.border_mode in ['crop', 'keep']:
pass # the next smaller input is selected anyway
elif self.border_mode in ['mirror', '0-pad']:
# select the next bigger input size
self.dimensions.input = map(lambda x: x[0] + x[1], zip(
else: # 'reject'
raise ValueError(
"The CNN architecture does not allow the input size of the images and cropping/\
padding was disabled. Use an architecture that has matching input size, change the image sizes \
or use a different boarder mode.")
print "Selected patch-size for CNN input:", self.dimensions
self.patch_size = self.dimensions.input
if not hasattr(self.patch_size, '__len__'):
self.patch_size = (self.patch_size, ) * self.n_dim
if not use_existing_dir:
[docs] def parseConfig(self):
print "Reading config-file %s" % (self.config_file, )
config_dict = default_config.__dict__ # take attributes from default config
self._allowed = config_dict.keys()
custom_dict = {}
execfile(self.config_file, {}, custom_dict)
for key in config_dict:
if key in self._allowed:
if key in ['save_path', 'param_file', 'data_path',
'label_path', 'preview_data_path', 'data_class_name']:
if key == 'data_class_name' and isinstance(config_dict[key], tuple):
config_dict[key][0] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict[key][0])
config_dict[key] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict[key])
setattr(self, key, config_dict[key])
min_dist = np.argmin([self.levenshtein(key, x) for x in self._allowed])
raise ValueError("<" + str(key) + "> is not valid configuration variable.\n\
Did you mean <" + str(self._allowed[min_dist]) + ">?")
self.n_layers = len(self.filters) + len(self.MLP_layers) # rnn layer is not counted here
return custom_dict
[docs] def fixValues(self):
if self.monitor_batch_size % self.batch_size != 0: # make the monitor size a multiple of the normal
self.monitor_batch_size = max(self.batch_size,
(self.monitor_batch_size - self.monitor_batch_size % self.batch_size))
if self.n_dim == 3: # The user gives the shapes in xyz but internal functions require zxy
self.filters = trainutils.xyz2zyx(self.filters)
self.pool = trainutils.xyz2zyx(self.pool)
if hasattr(self.desired_input, '__len__'): # also swap this
self.desired_input = self.desired_input[2:3] + self.desired_input[0:2]
# Fix various configuration parameter so standard format
if (self.MFP == False) or (self.MFP is None) or (self.MFP == []):
self.MFP = [0, ] * len(self.filters)
elif self.MFP == True:
self.MFP = [1, ] * len(self.filters)
if self.override_MFP_to_active:
self.MFP = list(np.greater(map(np.max, self.pool), 1)) # activate in all layers that have a pool factor > 1
self.batch_size = 1
if self.imposed_input_size is not None:
self.desired_input = self.imposed_input_size
if not (isinstance(self.pooling_mode, list) or isinstance(self.pooling_mode, tuple)):
self.pooling_mode = [self.pooling_mode, ] * len(self.filters)
if not (isinstance(self.activation_func, list) or isinstance(self.activation_func, tuple)):
self.activation_func = [self.activation_func, ] * self.n_layers
if not hasattr(self.dropout_rates, '__len__'): # may also be None --> list of Nones
self.dropout_rates = (self.dropout_rates, ) * self.n_layers
if self.class_weights is not None:
self.class_weights = np.array(self.class_weights, dtype=np.float32)
#self.class_weights /= np.sum(self.class_weights) # normalise weights
print "WARNING: weight normalisation is suspendend but this contradicts doc!"
if self.example_ignore_threshold is None:
self.example_ignore_threshold = 0.0
[docs] def typeChecks(self):
is_string = lambda x: isinstance(x, str) or (x is None)
is_int = lambda x: isinstance(x, bool) or isinstance(x, int)
is_list = lambda x: isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple) or (x is None) or is_int(x)
is_dict = lambda x: isinstance(x, dict) or (x is None)
is_float = lambda x: isinstance(x, float) or (x is None)
for param in ['save_path', 'save_name', 'data_path', 'label_path',
'mode', 'border_mode', 'target', 'optimizer',
'param_file', 'preview_data_path']:
assert is_string(getattr(self, param)), "Parameter %s must be a string or None" % (param)
for param in ['overwrite', 'plot_on', 'print_status', 'flip_data',
'anisotropic_data', 'lazy_labels', 'use_example_weights',
'zchxy_order', 'upright_x', 'background_processes',
'batch_size', 'monitor_batch_size', 'n_dim']:
assert is_int(getattr(self, param)), "Parameter %s must be a bool or an int" % (param)
for param in ['d_files',
'LR_schedule', ]:
assert is_list(getattr(self, param)), "Parameter %s must be a list or None" % (param)
for param in ['data_load_kwargs', 'data_batch_kwargs',
'preview_kwargs', 'SGD_params', 'RPROP_params',
'CG_params', 'LBFGS_params', 'rnn_layer_kwargs']:
assert is_dict(getattr(self, param)), "Parameter %s must be a dict or None" % (param)
for param in ['example_ignore_threshold', ]:
assert is_float(getattr(self, param)), "Parameter %s must be a Float" % (param)
[docs] def checkConfig(self, custom_dict):
mandatory = self.mandatory_vars
if self.mode == 'img-img' or self.mode == 'img-scalar':
if self.mode == 'vect-scalar':
if self.data_class_name is None:
undefined_vars = []
for var_name in mandatory:
if not custom_dict.has_key(var_name):
if len(undefined_vars) > 0:
print "\nWARNING: the following important CNN config variables were not found in the configuration file. The MASTER configuration value is in their place but further execution might fail. Undefined variables:\n%s\n" % (undefined_vars)
self.n_layers = len(self.filters) + len(self.MLP_layers)
assert self.n_layers==len(self.dropout_rates) or len(self.dropout_rates) == 0, "If dropout_rates is a list, there must be a dropout rate for every layer or it must be an empty list to disable dropout"
assert self.lazy_labels and self.mode=='img-img' or not self.lazy_labels, "Lazy labels is only possible 'img-img' training"
assert self.mode=='img-img' and len(self.MLP_layers)==0 or self.mode!='img-img', "'img-img' training does not allow MLP layers"
assert self.mode=='img-scalar' and len(self.MLP_layers)!=0 or self.mode!='img-scalar', "'img-scalar' training requires MLP layers"
assert self.mode=='vect-scalar' and len(self.filters)==0 or self.mode!='vect-scalar', "No ConvLayers allowed for 'vect-scalar' training"
assert len(self.filters) == len(self.pool) == len(self.nof_filters), "All config lists for conv layers must have the same lenght"
assert self.mode in ['img-img', 'img-scalar', 'vect-scalar'], "Unknown mode"
assert (self.rnn_layer_kwargs is None and self.mode in ['img-img', 'img-scalar']) or self.mode=='vect-scalar', "RNN layers can only be used in 'vect-scalar' mode"
targets = ['nll', 'regression', 'nll_mutiple_binary', 'nll_weak', 'affinity', 'malis']
assert self.target in targets, "Invalid target functions, must be in %s" % (targets)
[docs] def backupScripts(self, trainer_file):
Saves all python files into the folder specified by ``self.save_path``
Also changes working directory to the ``save_path`` directory
if os.path.exists(self.save_path):
if self.overwrite:
print "Overwriting existing save directory: %s" % self.save_path
assert self.save_path != './', ('Cannot delete current directory')
raise RuntimeError('The save directory does already exist!')
os.mkdir(self.save_path + 'Backup/')
shutil.copy(trainer_file, self.save_path + "Backup/elektronn-train")
os.chmod(self.save_path + "Backup/elektronn-train", 0755)
# import training
# trainer_dir = os.path.abspath(training.__file__)
# trainer_dir = '/'.join(trainer_dir.split('/')[:-1])+'/'
# shutil.copytree(trainer_dir, self.save_path+'Backup/training/')
# import net
# net_dir = os.path.abspath(net.__file__)
# net_dir = '/'.join(net_dir.split('/')[:-1])+'/'
# shutil.copytree(net_dir, self.save_path+'Backup/net/')
if self.config_file is not None:
shutil.copy(self.config_file, self.save_path + "Backup/config.py")
os.chmod(self.save_path + "Backup/config.py", 0755)
[docs] def levenshtein(self, s1, s2):
Computes Levenshtein-distance between ``s1`` and ``s2`` strings
Taken from: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance#Python
if len(s1) < len(s2):
return self.levenshtein(s2, s1)
# len(s1) >= len(s2)
if len(s2) == 0:
return len(s1)
previous_row = range(len(s2) + 1)
for i, c1 in enumerate(s1):
current_row = [i + 1]
for j, c2 in enumerate(s2):
insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1 # j+1 instead of j since previous_row and current_row are one character longer
deletions = current_row[j] + 1 # than s2
substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2)
current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
previous_row = current_row
return previous_row[-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
conf = Config('/docs/devel/ELEKTRONN/config_files/I-z.py', 0, '/docs/devel/ELEKTRONN/config_files/I-z.py')