# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2014 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Marius Killinger, Gregor Urban
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import ctypes
import logging
import time
from collections import deque
[docs]class SharedMem(object):
"""Utilities to share np.arrays between processes"""
_ctypes_to_numpy = {
ctypes.c_int8: np.dtype(np.int8),
ctypes.c_uint8: np.dtype(np.uint8),
ctypes.c_int16: np.dtype(np.int16),
ctypes.c_uint16: np.dtype(np.uint16),
ctypes.c_int32: np.dtype(np.int32),
ctypes.c_uint32: np.dtype(np.uint32),
ctypes.c_int64: np.dtype(np.int64),
ctypes.c_uint64: np.dtype(np.uint64),
ctypes.c_byte: np.dtype(np.int8),
ctypes.c_ubyte: np.dtype(np.uint8),
ctypes.c_short: np.dtype(np.int16),
ctypes.c_ushort: np.dtype(np.uint16),
ctypes.c_int: np.dtype(np.int32),
ctypes.c_uint: np.dtype(np.uint32),
ctypes.c_long: np.dtype(np.int32),
ctypes.c_ulong: np.dtype(np.uint32),
ctypes.c_longlong: np.dtype(np.int64),
ctypes.c_ulonglong: np.dtype(np.int64),
ctypes.c_float: np.dtype(np.float32),
ctypes.c_double: np.dtype(np.float64)
_numpy_to_ctypes = dict(zip(_ctypes_to_numpy.values(),
[docs] @staticmethod
def shm2ndarray(mp_array, shape=None):
mp_array: a mp.Array
shape: (optional) the returned np.ndarray is reshaped to this shape, flat otherwise
array: np.ndarray
That can be normally used but changes are reflected in shared mem
Note: the returned array is still pointing to the sharedmem, data might be changed by another process!
#if not hasattr(mp_array, '_type_'):
# mp_array = mp_array.get_obj()
dtype = SharedMem._ctypes_to_numpy[mp_array._type_]
result = np.frombuffer(mp_array, dtype)
if shape is not None:
#assert np.prod(shape)==result.size, "Cannot reshape length-%s array to shape %s"%(result.size, shape)
result = result.reshape(shape)
return np.asarray(result)
[docs] @staticmethod
def ndarray2shm(np_array, lock=False):
np_array: np.ndarray
array of arbitrary shape
lock: Bool
Whether to create a multiprocessing.Lock
handle: mp.Array:
flat with data from ndarray copied to it
array1d = np_array.ravel(order='A')
c_type = SharedMem._numpy_to_ctypes[array1d.dtype]
except KeyError:
c_type = SharedMem._numpy_to_ctypes[np.dtype(array1d.dtype)]
result = mp.Array(c_type, array1d.size, lock=lock)
SharedMem.shm2ndarray(result)[:] = array1d
return result
[docs] def puthandle(self, dtype, shape, data=None, lock=False):
Creates new shared memory and puts it on the queue. Other sub-processes can write to it.
dtype: np.dtype
Type of data to store in array
shape: tuple
Properties of shared mem to be created
data: np.ndarray
(optional) values to fill shared array with
lock: Bool
Whether to create a multiprocessing.Lock on the shared variable
sharedmem handle: mp.array
t0 = time.clock()
size = np.prod(shape)
c_type = SharedMem._numpy_to_ctypes[dtype]
except KeyError:
c_type = SharedMem._numpy_to_ctypes[np.dtype(dtype)]
shm = mp.Array(c_type, size, lock=lock)
t1 = time.clock()
if data is not None:
SharedMem.shm2ndarray(shm)[:] = data.astype(dtype).ravel(order='A')
t2 = time.clock()
if self.profile:
t_alloc = t1 - t0
t_write = t2 - t1
self.logger.info('SharedMemAlloc %g ms, WriteInitialData %g ms' %
(t_alloc * 1000, t_write * 1000))
return shm
[docs]class Proc(mp.Process):
A *reusable* and *configurable* background process, that does the same job every time
``events['new']`` is set and signals that is has finished one iteration by setting ``events['ready']``
def __init__(self, mp_arrays, shapes, events, target, target_args,
target_kwargs, profile):
super(Proc, self).__init__()
self.events = events
self.target = target
self.target_args = target_args
self.target_kwargs = target_kwargs
self.arrays = [] # shm "wrapped" as np.array-objs
self.profile = profile
if profile:
self.logger = mp.log_to_stderr(logging.INFO)
for shm, shp in zip(mp_arrays, shapes):
self.arrays.append(SharedMem.shm2ndarray(shm, shp))
[docs] def run(self):
while True:
self.events['new'].wait() # wait till host has fetched data from shm and demand new data from this proc
t0 = time.clock()
result = self.target(*self.target_args, **self.target_kwargs)
for a, r in zip(self.arrays, result):
a[:] = r
self.events['ready'].set() # signal host that task is done and data is ready in shm
t1 = time.clock()
if self.profile:
t_exec = t1 - t0
self.logger.info('Executing Target and writing to shm %g ms' % (t_exec * 1000))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
[docs]class BackgroundProc(SharedMem):
def __init__(self,
Data structure to manage repeated background tasks by reusing a fixed number of *initially* created
background process with the same arguments at every time. (E.g. retrieving an augmented batch)
Remember to call ``BackgroundProc.shutdown`` after use to avoid zombie process and RAM clutter.
list of dtypes of the target return values
list of shapes of the target return values
n_proc: int
number of background procs to use
target: callable
target function for background proc. Can even be a method of an object, if object\
data is read-only (then data will not be copied in RAM and the new process is lean). If\
several procs use random modules, new seeds must be created inside target because they\
have the same random state at the beginning.
target_args: tuple
Proc args (constant)
target_kwargs: dict
Proc kwargs (constant)
profile: Bool
Whether to print timing results in to stdout
Use case to retrieve batches from a data structure ``D``:
>>> data, label = D.getbatch(2, strided=False,
flip=True, grey_augment_channels=[0])
>>> kwargs = {'strided': False, 'flip': True, 'grey_augment_channels': [0]}
>>> bg = BackgroundProc([np.float32, np.int16], [data.shape,label.shape],
D.getbatch,n_proc=2, target_args=(2,), target_kwargs=kwargs, profile=False)
>>> for i in xrange(100):
>>> data, label = bg.get()
self.dtypes = dtypes
self.shapes = shapes
self.target = target
self.n_proc = n_proc
self.i = 0 # index of next item to consume
self.mp_arrays = []
self.procs = []
self.events = []
self.profile = profile
if (dtypes is None) or (shapes is None):
ret = target(*target_args, **target_kwargs)
dtypes = [b.dtype for b in ret]
shapes = [b.shape for b in ret]
self.dtypes = dtypes
self.shapes = shapes
if profile:
self.logger = mp.log_to_stderr(logging.INFO)
for k in xrange(n_proc): # create a list of mp-arrays for each process
a = []
for dtype, shape in zip(dtypes, shapes):
a.append(self.puthandle(dtype, shape))
self.events.append({'new': mp.Event(), 'ready': mp.Event()})
for shm, e in zip(self.mp_arrays, self.events): # initialise the procs and give them their mp-arrays
p = Proc(shm, shapes, e, target, target_args, target_kwargs, profile)
[docs] def get(self):
This gets the next result from a background process and blocks until the corresponding proc
has finished.
k = self.i
self.i = (self.i + 1) % self.n_proc # advance index of next item
result = []
t0 = time.clock()
t1 = time.clock()
for shm, shp in zip(self.mp_arrays[k], self.shapes):
result.append(SharedMem.shm2ndarray(shm, shp).copy()) # copy! Otherwise a proc will write to result
t2 = time.clock()
if self.profile:
t_wait = t1 - t0
t_write = t2 - t1
'Waiting for subprocess %g ms, converting to numpy %g ms' % (t_wait * 1000, t_write * 1000))
return tuple(result)
[docs] def shutdown(self):
"""**Must be called to free memory** if the background tasks are no longer needed"""
for p in self.procs:
[docs] def reset(self):
Should be called after an exception (e.g. by pressing ctrl+c) was raised.
for e in self.events:
[docs]class SharedQ(SharedMem):
FIFO Queue to process np.ndarrays in the background (also pre-loading of data from disk)
procs must accept list of ``mp.Array`` and make items ``np.ndarray`` using ``SharedQ.shm2ndarray``,\
for this the shapes are required as too. The target requires the signature::
>>> target(mp_arrays, shapes, *args, **kwargs)
Whereas mp_array and shape are *automatically* added internally
All parameters are optional:
n_proc: int
If larger than 0, a message is printed if to few processes are running
default_target: callable
Default background proc callable
default_args: tuple
Default background proc and their parameters
default_kwargs: dict
Default background proc kwargs
profile: Bool
Whether to print timing results in terminal
Automatic use:
>>> Q = SharedQ(n_proc=2)
>>> Q.startproc(target=, shape= args=, kwargs=)
>>> Q.startproc(target=, shape= args=, kwargs=)
>>> for i in xrange(5):
>>> Q.startproc(target=, shape= args=, kwargs=)
>>> item = Q.get() # starts as many new jobs as to maintain n_proc
>>> dosomehtingelse(item) # processes work in background to pre-fetch data for next iteration
def __init__(self,
self.data = deque() # items of type [shm, shape, proc]
self.len = 0
self.n_proc = n_proc
self.default_target = default_target
self.default_args = default_args
self.default_kwargs = default_kwargs
self.profile = profile
[docs] def startproc(self,
Starts a new process
procs must accept list of ``mp.Array`` and make items ``np.ndarray`` using ``SharedQ.shm2ndarray``,\
for this the shapes are required as too. The target requires the signature::
target(mp_arrays, shapes, *args, **kwargs)
Whereas mp_array and shape are *automatically* added internally
data = target_kwargs.get('data')
if target is None:
target = self.default_target
if target_args == ():
target_args = self.default_args
if target_kwargs == {}:
target_kwargs = self.default_kwargs
mp_arrays = []
for dtype, shape in zip(dtypes, shapes):
mp_arrays.append(self.puthandle(dtype, shape, data))
t0 = time.clock()
_args = (mp_arrays, shapes) + target_args
proc = mp.Process(target=target, args=_args, kwargs=target_kwargs)
self.data.append([mp_arrays, shapes, proc])
self.len += 1
t1 = time.clock()
if self.profile:
t_start = t1 - t0
self.logger.info('Start Process %g ms' % (t_start * 1000))
[docs] def get(self):
This gets the first results in the queue and blocks until the corresponding proc
has finished. If a n_proc value is defined this then new procs must be started *before* to
avoid a warning message.
mp_arrays, shapes, proc = self.data.popleft()
self.len -= 1
missing = self.n_proc - self.len
if missing > 0:
print "WARNING: You should have started %i new workes before Q.get()" % missing
t0 = time.clock()
t1 = time.clock()
result = []
for shm, shp in zip(mp_arrays, shapes):
result.append(SharedMem.shm2ndarray(shm, shp))
t2 = time.clock()
if self.profile:
t_join = t1 - t0
t_conv = t2 - t1
self.logger.info('Join %g ms, Shared2Numpy %g ms' % (t_join * 1000, t_conv * 1000))
return result
### Testing etc. ##############################################################################
# Pre requisits
if __name__ == "__main__":
import gc
import h5py
def load():
f = h5py.File('~/devel/data/MPI/raw_center_cube_mag1_v3.h5', 'r')
d = f['raw'].value
return d[0]
t0 = time.time()
D = load()
t1 = time.time()
lt = t1 - t0
print('REAL LOAD TIME %.2f sec' % (lt))
def CPU():
a = np.random.rand(1160 * 480)
for i in xrange(50):
t0 = time.time()
for i in xrange(3):
t1 = time.time()
rt = (t1 - t0) / 3
print('REAL CPU TASK TIME %.2f sec' % (rt))
serial = 20 * rt + 20 * lt
D = None
def IO(mp_array, shape):
t0 = time.time()
d = load()
SharedQ.shm2ndarray(mp_array, shape)[:] = d
t = time.time() - t0
print('LOADED data in %.2f sec' % (t))
# Automated Process Approach ################################################################
#if False:
# bg = BackgroundProc([np.uint8], [(1160, 480)], load, n_proc=2)
# t00 = time.time()
# for i in xrange(20):
# t0 = time.time()
# d = bg.get()
# t2 = time.time()
# t = t2 - t0
# # logger.info('Start, Join, Popping %.2f secs' %t)
# CPU()
# t4 = time.time()
# t = t4 - t2
# print('CPU task %.2f secs' %t)
# t11 = time.time()
# total = (t11-t00)
# print('True time %.2f sec, serial estimate %.2f' %(total, serial))
# bg.shutdown()
#if False:
# Q = SharedQ(n_proc=1, dtype=np.uint8, shape=(1160, 480), default_target=IO, profile=False)
# t00 = time.time()
# Q.startproc()
# for i in xrange(20):
# t0 = time.time()
# d = Q.get()
# t2 = time.time()
# t = t2 - t0
# # logger.info('Start, Join, Popping %.2f secs' %t)
# CPU()
# t4 = time.time()
# t = t4 - t2
# print('CPU task %.2f secs' %t)
# t11 = time.time()
# total = (t11-t00)
# print('True time %.2f sec, serial estimate %.2f' %(total, serial))
# print '\n\n\n\n'
# Process Approach ##########################################################################
#if False:
# Q = SharedQ(0, np.uint8, (1160, 480))
# t00 = time.time()
# mp_array, shape, _ = Q.puthandle()
# loader = mp.Process(target=IO, args=(mp_array, shape)) # start loading first item
# loader.start()
# for i in xrange(5):
# t0 = time.time()
# loader.join()
# t1 = time.time()
# t = t1 - t0
# print('Join Wait %.2f secs' %t)
# d = Q.get()
# t2 = time.time()
# t = t2 - t1
# # logger.info('Popping %.2f secs' %t)
# mp_array, shape, _ = Q.puthandle()
# loader = mp.Process(target=IO, args=(mp_array, shape))
# loader.start()
# t3 = time.time()
# t = t3 - t1
# print('Starting %.2f secs' %t)
# #CPUtask(d)
# CPU()
# t4 = time.time()
# t = t4 - t3
# print('CPU task %.2f secs' %t)
# t11 = time.time()
# total = (t11-t00)
# print('True time %.2f sec, serial estimate %.2f' %(total, serial))
# [INFO/MainProcess] True time 5.95 sec, serial estimate 8.77
# Threaded Approach #########################################################################
#DataQ = deque()
#def IOtask():
# t0 = time.time()
# d = load()
# DataQ.append(d)
# t = time.time() - t0
# logging.info('LOADED data in %.2f sec' %(t))
#class IOproc(th.Thread):
# def run(self):
# time.sleep(0.000001)
# t0 = time.time()
# d = load()
# DataQ.append(d)
# t = time.time() - t0
# logging.info('LOADED data in %.2f sec' %(t))
#class CPUproc(th.Thread):
# def run(self):
# time.sleep(0.000001)
# t0 = time.time()
# a = np.random.rand(1160*480)
# for i in xrange(50):
# np.sin(a)
# t = time.time() - t0
# logging.info('LOADED data in %.2f sec' %(t))
#t00 = time.time()
#loader = IOproc() # start loading first item
#for i in xrange(5):
# t0 = time.time()
# loader.join()
# t1 = time.time()
# t = t1 - t0
# logging.info('Join Wait %.2f secs' %t)
# d = DataQ.popleft()
# t2 = time.time()
# t = t2 - t1
# logging.info('Popping %.2f secs' %t)
# #loader = th.Thread(target=IOtask, args=())
# loader = IOproc()
# loader.start()
# t3 = time.time()
# t = t3 - t1
# logging.info('Starting %.2f secs' %t)
# #CPUtask(d)
# cpu = CPUproc()
# cpu.start()
# cpu.join()
# t4 = time.time()
# t = t4 - t3
# logging.info('CPU task %.2f secs' %t)
#t11 = time.time()
#total = (t11-t00)
#serial = 5*rt + 5*lt
#logging.info('True time %.2f sec, serial estimate %.2f' %(total, serial))
# [INFO] (MainThread) True time 10.28 sec, serial estimate 8.68
# Serial Approach #########################################################################
#t00 = time.time()
#for i in xrange(5):
# t0 = time.time()
# d = load()
# t1 = time.time()
# t = t1 - t0
# logging.info('Loading Wait %.2f secs' %t)
# CPUtask(d)
# t4 = time.time()
# t = t4 - t1
# logging.info('CPU task %.2f secs' %t)
#t11 = time.time()
#total = (t11-t00)
#serial = 5*rt + 5*lt
#logging.info('True time %.2f sec, serial estimate %.2f' %(total, serial))
# [INFO] (MainThread) True time 8.93 sec, serial estimate 8.75