Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2014 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
# Authors: Marius Killinger, Gregor Urban

import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

# try:
#     from ._warping import warp2dFast, warp3dFast, _warp2dFastLab, _warp3dFastLab
# except ImportError:
#     raise RuntimeError(' Cython extension not found.\n'
#                        'Please run or manually cythonize _warping.pyx.')
from _warping import warp2dFast, warp3dFast, _warp2dFastLab, _warp3dFastLab

[docs]def warp2dJoint(img, lab, patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch): """ Warp image and label data jointly. Non-image labels are ignored i.e. lab must be 3d to be warped Parameters ---------- img: array Image data The array must be 3-dimensional (ch,x,y) and larger/equal the patch size lab: array Label data (with offsets subtracted) patch_size: 2-tuple Patch size *excluding* channel for the image: (px, py). The warping result of the input image is cropped to this size rot: float Rotation angle in deg for rotation around z-axis shear: float Shear angle in deg for shear w.r.t xy-diagonal scale: 3-tuple of float Scale per axis stretch: 4-tuple of float Fraction of perspective stretching from the center (where stretching is always 1) to the outer border of image per axis. The 4 entry correspond to: - X stretching depending on Y - Y stretching depending on X Returns ------- img, lab: np.ndarrays Warped image and labels (cropped to patch_size) """ if len(lab.shape) == 2: lab = _warp2dFastLab(lab, patch_size, img.shape[1:], rot, shear, scale, stretch) img = warp2dFast(img, patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch) return img, lab
[docs]def warp3dJoint(img, lab, patch_size, rot=0, shear=0, scale=(1, 1, 1), stretch=(0, 0, 0, 0), twist=0): """ Warp image and label data jointly. Non-image labels are ignored i.e. lab must be 3d to be warped Parameters ---------- img: array Image data The array must be 4-dimensional (z,ch,x,y) and larger/equal the patch size lab: array Label data (with offsets subtracted) patch_size: 3-tuple Patch size *excluding* channel for the image: (pz, px, py). The warping result of the input image is cropped to this size rot: float Rotation angle in deg for rotation around z-axis shear: float Shear angle in deg for shear w.r.t xy-diagonal scale: 3-tuple of float Scale per axis stretch: 4-tuple of float Fraction of perspective stretching from the center (where stretching is always 1) to the outer border of image per axis. The 4 entry correspond to: - X stretching depending on Y - Y stretching depending on X - X stretching depending on Z - Y stretching depending on Z twist: float Dependence of the rotation angle on z in deg from center to outer border Returns ------- img, lab: np.ndarrays Warped image and labels (cropped to patch_size) """ if len(lab.shape) == 3: lab = _warp3dFastLab(lab, patch_size, np.array(img.shape)[[0, 2, 3]], rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist) img = warp3dFast(img, patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist) return img, lab
### Utilities ################################################################# ###############################################################################
[docs]def getCornerIx(sh): """Returns array-indices of corner elements for n-dim shape""" def getGrayCode(n, n_dim): if n == 0: return np.zeros(n_dim, return np.array([(n // 2**i) % 2 for i in range(max(n_dim, int(np.ceil(np.log2(n)))))]) sh = np.array(sh) - 1 ###TODO n_dim = len(sh) ix = [] for i in xrange(2**n_dim): ix.append(getGrayCode(i, n_dim)) ix = np.array(ix) corners = ix * sh return corners
def _warpCorners2d(sh, corners, rot=0, shear=0, scale=(1, 1), stretch=(0, 0), plot=False): """ Create warped coordinates of corners """ rot = rot * np.pi / 180 shear = shear * np.pi / 180 scale = np.array(scale) scale = 1.0 / scale stretch = np.array(stretch) corners = corners.astype(np.float).copy() x_center_off = float(sh[0]) / 2 - 0.5 y_center_off = float(sh[1]) / 2 - 0.5 stretch[0] /= x_center_off stretch[1] /= y_center_off x = corners[:, 0] - x_center_off y = corners[:, 1] - y_center_off xt = x * (scale[0] + stretch[0] * y) yt = y * (scale[1] + stretch[1] * x) u = xt * np.cos(rot - shear) - yt * np.sin(rot + shear) + x_center_off v = yt * np.cos(rot + shear) + xt * np.sin(rot - shear) + y_center_off if plot: coords = np.array([u, v]).T coords = coords[[3, 2, 0, 1, 3]] plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.scatter(corners[:, 1], corners[:, 0], c='b') plt.plot(corners[:, 1], corners[:, 0], 'b:') plt.scatter(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0], c='r', marker='x') plt.plot(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0], c='r') plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid() return np.array([u, v]).T def _warpCorners3d(sh, corners, rot=0, shear=0, scale=(1, 1, 1), stretch=(0, 0, 0, 0), twist=0): """ Create warped coordinates of corners """ rot = rot * np.pi / 180 shear = shear * np.pi / 180 twist = twist * np.pi / 180 scale = np.array(scale) scale = 1.0 / scale stretch = np.array(stretch) corners = corners.astype(np.float).copy() z_center_off = float(sh[0]) / 2 - 0.5 x_center_off = float(sh[1]) / 2 - 0.5 y_center_off = float(sh[2]) / 2 - 0.5 stretch[0] /= x_center_off stretch[1] /= y_center_off stretch[2] /= z_center_off stretch[3] /= z_center_off twist /= z_center_off z = corners[:, 0] - z_center_off x = corners[:, 1] - x_center_off y = corners[:, 2] - y_center_off w = z * scale[2] + z_center_off rot = rot + (z * twist) xt = x * (scale[0] + stretch[0] * y + stretch[2] * z) yt = y * (scale[1] + stretch[1] * x + stretch[3] * z) u = xt * np.cos(rot - shear) - yt * np.sin(rot + shear) + x_center_off v = yt * np.cos(rot + shear) + xt * np.sin(rot - shear) + y_center_off return np.array((w, u, v)).T
[docs]def getRequiredPatchSize(patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist=None): """ Given desired patch size and warping parameters: return required size for warping input patch """ patch_size = np.array(patch_size) corners = getCornerIx(patch_size) if len(patch_size) == 2: coords = _warpCorners2d(patch_size, corners, rot, shear, scale, stretch) elif len(patch_size) == 3: coords = _warpCorners3d(patch_size, corners, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist) eff_size = np.ceil(coords.max(axis=0) - coords.min(axis=0)) # effective range left_exc = np.floor(np.abs(np.minimum(coords.min(axis=0), 0))) # how much image needs to be added left right_exc = np.ceil(np.maximum(coords.max(axis=0) - patch_size + 1, 0)) total_exc = np.maximum(left_exc, right_exc) # how much image must be added centrally req_size = patch_size + 2 * total_exc return req_size.astype(, eff_size.astype(, left_exc.astype(
[docs]def getWarpParams(patch_size, amount=1.0): """ To be called from CNNData. Get warping parameters + required warping input patch size. """ if amount > 1: print 'WARNING: warpAugment amount > 1 this requires more than 1.4 bigger patches before warping' rot_max = 15 * amount shear_max = 3 * amount scale_max = 1.1 * amount stretch_max = 0.1 * amount n_dim = len(patch_size) shear = shear_max * 2 * (np.random.rand() - 0.5) if n_dim == 3: twist = rot_max * 2 * (np.random.rand() - 0.5) rot = min(rot_max - abs(twist), rot_max * (np.random.rand())) scale = 1 + (scale_max - 1) * np.random.rand(3) stretch = stretch_max * 2 * (np.random.rand(4) - 0.5) elif n_dim == 2: rot = rot_max * 2 * (np.random.rand() - 0.5) scale = 1 + (scale_max - 1) * np.random.rand(2) scale[0] = 1 # do not change along z! stretch = stretch_max * 2 * (np.random.rand(2) - 0.5) twist = None req_size, _, _ = getRequiredPatchSize(patch_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist) return req_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist
[docs]def test(): try: img_s = np.random.rand(11, 11) img_s = np.concatenate((img_s[None], np.exp(img_s[None])), axis=0) out = warp2dFast(img_s, (11, 11), 0, 0, (1, 1), (0.0, 0.0)) except Exception as e: print """%s Warping is broken. Most likeley the distributed is not binary compatible to your system.""" % (e, )
test() ############################################################################################################## #def paddImage(img, ext_size, left_exc): # new_img = np.ones(ext_size, dtype=img.dtype) # xs, ys = img.shape # xo, yo = left_exc # new_img[xo:xo+xs, yo:yo+ys] = img # # return new_img
[docs]def maketestimage(sh): img = np.ones(sh) * 0.5 xs, ys = sh try: d = np.diag(np.ones(xs)) img[:xs, :xs] += d img[:xs, :xs] += d[::-1] img[-xs:, -xs:] += d img[-xs:, -xs:] += d[::-1] except: d = np.diag(np.ones(ys)) img[:ys, :ys] += d img[:ys, :ys] += d[::-1] img[-ys:, -ys:] += d img[-ys:, -ys:] += d[::-1] img[0, :] += 1 img[:, 0] += 1 img[-1, :] += 1 img[:, -1] += 1 if sh[0] > 80: img[30, :] += 1 img[:, 30] += 1 img[-31, :] += 1 img[:, -31] += 1 return img / img.max()
if __name__ == "__main__": # test_img = io.imread('Lichtenstein.png') # test_img = test_img.mean(axis=2) # s1 = test_img.shape[0] # s2 = test_img.shape[1] ps = (200, 200) if True: ext_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist = getWarpParams(ps, amount=1.0) t = [] for i in xrange(10000): ext_size, rot, shear, scale, stretch, twist = getWarpParams(ps, amount=1.0); t.append(ext_size) # img_in = maketestimage(eff_size) # img_in = paddImage(img_in, ext_size, left_exc)[None] img_in = maketestimage(ext_size)[None] out = warp2dFast(img_in, ps, rot, shear, scale, stretch) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(img_in[0], interpolation='none', cmap='gray') plt.hlines(ext_size[0] / 2 - 0.5, 0, ext_size[1] - 1, color='r') plt.vlines(ext_size[1] / 2 - 0.5, 0, ext_size[0] - 1, color='r') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(out[0], interpolation='none', cmap='gray') plt.hlines(ps[0] / 2 - 0.5, 0, ps[1] - 1, color='r') plt.vlines(ps[1] / 2 - 0.5, 0, ps[0] - 1, color='r') if False: # visual 2d #out = _warp2d_c(test_img, 20, 10, (1,1.1), (0.1, 0)) test_img = np.concatenate((test_img[None], np.exp(test_img[None])), axis=0) out2 = warp2dFast(test_img, (512, 512), 20, 10, (1, 1.1), (0.1, 0)) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(test_img, interpolation='none', cmap='gray') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(out2[0], interpolation='none', cmap='gray') if False: img_s = maketestimage((11, 11)) img_s = np.concatenate((img_s[None], np.exp(img_s[None])), axis=0) out = warp2dFast(img_s, (11, 11), 0, 0, (1, 1), (0.0, 0.0)) if False: img_s = maketestimage((110, 110)) img_s = np.concatenate((img_s[None], ) * 4, axis=0) img_s = np.concatenate((img_s[None], np.exp(img_s[None])), axis=0) out = warp3dFast(img_s, (4, 110, 110), 0, 0, (1, 1, 1), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 10) if False: # visual 3d n = 100 img_s = np.tile(test_img, n) img_s = img_s.reshape((s1, n, s2)) img_s = np.swapaxes(img_s, 1, 0) patch_size = img_s.shape off = 0 lab = img_s[off:-off, off:-off, off:-off] img = np.concatenate((test_img[None], np.exp(test_img[None])), axis=0) img1, lab1 = warpAugment(img_s[None], lab, patch_size=patch_size) for i in xrange(n): plt.imsave('/tmp/%i-img.png' % i, img1[0, i, :, :] / 255) for i in xrange(lab1.shape[0]): plt.imsave('/tmp/%i-lab.png' % (i + off), lab1[i, :, :]) if False: # visual 3d n = 40 img_s = np.tile(test_img, n) img_s = img_s.reshape((s1, n, s2)) img_s = np.swapaxes(img_s, 1, 2) wow1 = warp3dFast(img_s[None], (s1, s2, n), 0, 0, (1, 1, 1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1), 10) for i in xrange(n): plt.imsave('/tmp/%i-ref.png' % i, wow1[:, :, i] / 255) wow2 = _warp3dFastLab(img_s[20:-20, 20:-20], (s1 - 40, s2 - 40, n), (s1, s2, n), 0, 0, (1, 1, 1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1), 10) for i in xrange(wow2.shape[2]): plt.imsave('/tmp/%i.png' % i, wow2[:, :, i] / 255) if False: # 3d timing s = 400 test = np.random.rand(s, s, s).astype(np.float32) test2 = np.random.rand(s * 2, s * 2, s * 2).astype(np.float32) t0 = time.time() wow1 = warp3dFast(test[None], (s, s, s), 20, 5, (1, 1, 1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 10) #wow1 = warp3dFast(test[None], (s,s,s)) print time.time() - t0